Zoo Jeopardy The Berry Sisters The Polar BearThe ArmadilloThe Milk Snake Other Zoo Friends
The age of the Berry Sisters.
The food the Berry Sisters eat.
How much The Berry Sisters weigh this much.
The names of the Berry Sisters.
The Berry Sisters use this for protection.
Three of the countries in which polar bears usually live.
-40°F, 0°F, or 40°F Polar bears need to be in an environment at this temperature.
These two animals make up most of the polar bear’s diet.
This adaptation helps the polar bear blend into their environment.
Polar bears are kept warm by this layer under the skin.
This is the average life span of the armadillo.
True or false The armadillo needs temperatures around 67-70°F.
This is what baby armadillos are called.
Armadillos are mature at this age.
This allows the armadillo to move around at night.
Another name for a milk snake is this.
The milk snake can live this long in the wild.
The milk snake is a part of this snake family.
This is how the milk snake kills its prey.
Adult Komodo Dragons will feed on this animal abundant in PA.
These are the Poison Dart Frog’s food sources.
The third stage of the Monarch life cycle is this.
Monarch butterflies lay their eggs in this plant.
This is the shelter for the Giant Panda.
The corn snake’s body temperature depends on this.