William Arruda Build Your Brand. Expand Your Success Success!
What Are We Going To Discuss Today?
Agenda Introduction to Branding Why Personal Branding? The Reach™ Three-Step Process Success! Introduction to Branding Why Personal Branding? The Reach™ Three-Step Process Success!
What is a Brand?
Source: InterBrand What are the World’s Strongest Brands?
Branding Myth Branding is about spin FALSE
Strong Brand Are… A_THE_T_C U N I
Branding Myths Branding was invented by Nike and Coke FALSE
Mr. Jones’ Apple Pie
Branding Myths Branding is just for products and companies FALSE
Silicon Valley Today, Everything is a Brand
Branding Myths Branding is just for the big guys FALSE
Your Brand is Your… R_PUT_T_ON EA I
Egonomics The Intersection of Two Societal Trends The New World Of Work
Personal Branding Gives You Permission to Be Yourself!
Why Branding for Executives and Professionals? You are in charge of your career There are numerous others with similar credentials You’re more successful when you align what you do with who you are You are of more value to your company You are in charge of your career There are numerous others with similar credentials You’re more successful when you align what you do with who you are You are of more value to your company
The Reach™ Success! Personal Branding Process EXTRACT EXPRESS EXUDE EX
You Are a Gem ExtractExudeExpress
Benefits of a Strong Personal Brand Self understanding Visibility and presence Differentiation Control Wealth Continuity Achievement Fulfillment Self understanding Visibility and presence Differentiation Control Wealth Continuity Achievement Fulfillment
How Are You Introduced?
How Do You Introduce Yourself?
Brand Foundation A solid base on which to build your brand Includes physical and mental health Ongoing process A solid base on which to build your brand Includes physical and mental health Ongoing process
1 Step 1. Extract The Brand Discovery Phase
1. Extract Your Unique Promise of Value Yourself Your Target Audience Your Peers Competitors
What makes you unique makes you successful
Internal Perspective External Perceptions Yourself Know Yourself
Why Are Goals Critical to Branding? Goals give your brand direction "If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else." Yogi Berra
The VPs of Brand YOU Vision, Purpose Values, Passions Vision, Purpose Values, Passions
Supportive Leader- like Honest Creative Smart Funky Reliable Adventurous Irreverent Sassy Caring Stubborn Organized Driven Outrageous StressedOut Bold External PerceptionsQuirky
Innovative Bold Maverick Risk Taker Successful Competitive Boundless Richard Branson The Intrepid Brand
Empathetic International Leader Great Communicator Contemporary Almost Approachable Dishonest Untrustworthy Philandering Bill Clinton The Charismatic Brand
Eliminate the ‘F’ Word F_ _I NE X Outstanding Exceptional Best Extraordinary
Demographics Psychographics Your Target Audience Know Your Target Audience
What’s the same? What separates you? Competitors Peers Know Your Peers
Your PBS I build solid, successful and lasting relationships inside my organization and with business partners by putting people in the center of the process. I deliver the most innovative and forward focused marketing campaigns by putting the fun back in business - keeping my team engaged and creative.
2 Step 2. Express The Brand Communications Phase
Getting Your Message Out 2. Express
The Communications Wheel
FT Article Newsletter BLOG Speak at AABC Conf Web Site Write Book Monthly Tele-seminars
You Can’t Spell Brand Without the Letter “C” C L A R I T Y C O N S I S T E N C Y C O N S T A N C Y The Three C’s
Human Concerned Empathetic Genuine Warm Oprah The Caring Brand
Dynamic Trend Setting Shocking Female Talented Madonna The Chameleon Brand
The ‘ilities’ Visibility Credibility Visibility Credibility
If you don’t show up in Google, do you exist?
3 Step 3. Exude The Brand Environment Phase
Managing Your Brand Environment 3. Exude
Managing Your Brand Environment You G
Managing Your Brand Environment You
How You Look Says a Lot About You You Need To Be Comfortable You Must Appeal to Your Target What’s Your Style? What’s your style?
Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success. Consistency is the Key
Managing Your Brand Environment You
Evaluating Your Brand Environment
Managing Your Brand Environment You G
Brand Identity Color Font Images Color Font Images Textures Tag Line Logo A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Managing Your Brand Environment You
The You, Inc. Partner Program YOU Juan Sally Ian Judith Lee
Networking’s #1 Rule G I V E
Give to Your Network Ask Connect them Share articles Share your passion Send a Link Ask Connect them Share articles Share your passion Send a Link Give them a free service Include them Invite them Remember and recognize
The Most Important… P_OFE_ _ION_L R S A NE_WO_K S R T
Evolution and Metrics
You Must Put Metrics In Place How do you determine them? What kind of metrics?
Get Feedback Listen All strong brands ask for feedback Be obsessive about it Use it Listen All strong brands ask for feedback Be obsessive about it Use it
Brands Are Dynamic
The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be. Oprah Winfrey
The World Has Changed Personal Branding is the Way to Expand Your Success It means aligning what you do with who you are Strong Personal Brands are AUTHENTIC You are a GEM! Jump on the ‘Brand Wagon’ Now In Summary
Do you leave your mark on everything you do?