Inspired Action Jan 2014 – Dec 2016
Inspired Action >Big Lottery – Spirit of 2012 >Build on motivations and value of Olympics and Commonwealth Games
Objectives >Promote value of volunteering and social action >Provide volunteering and social action opportunities within the Red Cross >Ensure inclusive and accessible for young people with disabilities >Leave a legacy of learning
Promote value of volunteering and Social Action >1035 young people across Scotland >Facilitate Inspiration Workshop, which promote benefit and value of volunteering and encourage young people to engage in opportunities
Provide volunteering and social action opportunities within BRC >207 Inspired Action Volunteers Scotland >Diversity in young people and roles >Recruited through normal channels or Induction Events >Inspired Induction – first aid disability awareness, humanitarian education >Additional Support
Provide volunteering and social action opportunities within BRC >120 Social Action projects across UK >Young-person led >Inline with BRC principles and goals >Benefit the local community >Social Action Project Panel >£150 per project
Young people with disabilities >Increase number of young volunteers with disabilities >Internal training on disability awareness >Peer Mentors >Additional funding – resources, support >Delivered in partnership with WhizzKidz
>Track young people’s development >Run learning events, report and learning toolkit 2016 Leave a legacy of learning
>Galvanising interest in volunteering, particularly following the Commonwealth Games >Providing supported volunteer opportunities for young people within Red Cross >Offering Social Action project opportunities Ways Inspired Action can support
Sarah Cassidy Please get in touch!