STEM Unit 1: Competency 4
What does diversity look like? Diversity is not just about our bodies. Where we are born in the world can make for a great deal of diversity too. There are differences in: languages religions beliefs cultural traditions types of houses where we live
Where diversity is found You don't have to go anywhere to find diversity. Just look around at your family and friends and you will find it. Every single person you know is different. And the great thing about diversity is that it makes the world an interesting place to be, and full of interesting and different people.
What does diversity mean? Diversity means that there are lots of different kinds of things. Just as there are lots of different makes of cars, bikes, washing machines, balls or just about anything you can think of, so there is diversity among people.
How does diversity happen? Nowadays, there is more and more diversity around us because: people travel around a lot more in their own countries they may even go to live and work in other countries when people move to other countries they add their diversity to that country in all sorts of ways - food, culture, religion, beliefs, music, and art are some of these differences people from different backgrounds may marry and have children together.
What’s great about diversity? Everyone can learn more about other cultures. Everyone can share and enjoy the differences. Everyone can work together to make the country a good place to live for everyone. You can get to learn and play new games, or find out what the games you play are called in other countries.
What can be not so great? Some people are afraid of diversity. Some people are afraid of change. Some people want everyone to be the same as themselves. Some people don't want to accept that others do not have the same beliefs as themselves. Some people are unkind to others who seem different There are three words that describe this unkindness. Prejudice is when someone decides something about another without knowing anything about that person. Racism is when someone is not given a fair go because of his race, skin colour or religion. Sexism is when someone is not given a fair go because of his or her sex.
What is Conflict Resolution? Try to sort things out so that everyone gets a fair go and something of what they want. There are 4 things that you need to do. 1 Understand 2 Avoid making things worse 3 Work together 4 Find the solution
Understand Everyone involved needs to understand what the conflict (argument) is about. To do this, everyone needs to: say what they feel about it (without interruptions) listen to what other people have to say about their feelings (without interrupting them) try to put themselves in the other person's shoes and try to understand their point of view.
Avoid Making Things Worse no put-downs no mean, nasty remarks that will hurt people's feelings - no personal remarks about a person's looks, gender (whether they are a boy or girl), their 'secrets' or things that have happened in the past no screaming and shouting no fighting, hitting, kicking, pushing or any kind of hurting the other person's body.
Working Together - Find the Solution Do some active listening (show the person that you are listening) by: looking at them, making 'listening noises’ repeating what you heard. looking for a solution. Brainstorm together to think of ways in which you could resolve the conflict.
Possible Outcomes Yes/yes when both of you are pleased with what you worked out. (win/win) Yes/no when one side is happy because they got what they wanted and the other is sad because they didn't get what they wanted. (win/lose) No/No when neither side is happy because nobody got what they wanted (lose/lose) Conflict resolution is not easy. It takes everyone involved to work together willingly and to accept and carry out what has been decided. Some schools have peer mediators. These are children who go through a special training so that they can help other children to work through the problems they are having with each other.