2015 Popcorn EXTRAVAGANZA!!
Win a Family Vacation in Orlando, Florida
On average 30% of the price is the cost of the product, support, and delivery. This popcorn is made exclusively for Boy Scouts of America. The remaining 70% goes to local Scouting.
Our unit can earn up to 40% commission. The other 30% is used to pay for prize programs and incentives, sales materials, and the remaining is used to help fund the annual operation of our council camps.
o Quality product, exclusive for Scouting o On-line support and sales support o Professional support o Local volunteer and executive support o Win(Scout)-Win(Unit)-Win(Camps) program
Popcorn Pays for Scouting Annual dues in your Pack or Troop Registration Fees Boys’ Life Magazine Advancements Program Supplies
Calendar Review September Show-N-Sell / Take Orders / On-line Sales Blitz Weekend I – 26 th -27 th October Show-N-Sell / Take Orders / On-line Sales Blitz Weekend II – 17 th – 18 th $650 and $1,200 Club Forms Due – 30 th
Calendar Review November Take Order Pick Up – 12th Deliver Popcorn to your customers Turn in money to your unit popcorn chair December Prizes mailed to unit popcorn chair Scouts recognized at meeting with prizes
Know your Pack or Troop goal and what will be done with the money earned. Know what your son needs to sell to reach your unit goal.
2015 Unit Commission 40% Commission Sell at least $7,000 or have a per Scout average of $450 35% Commission Have a per Scout Average of $300 or more 33% Commission Have a per Scout Average between $100 and $299 30% Commission Have a per Scout Average under $100
Blitz Weekends Blitz Weekend I - September 26 th or 27 th – Saturday or Sunday Report on who participated due Thursday – October 1 st Patches mailed Friday – October 2 nd Blitz Weekend II – October 17 th or 18 th – Saturday or Sunday Report on who participated due Thursday – October 22nd Patches mailed Friday – October 23
$25 - Prize Level Popcorn Patch
$115 - Prize Level 2 Zipper pull Thermometer w/Compass Bottle Carabiner Leather Kit Bug Cage Deluxe Wood Kit Red Spork
$225 - Prize Level 3 Steel Mechanix Airplane Survival Aid Kid Diving Octopus Kit Fridge Rover
$350 - Prize Level 4 BSA TM Mess Kit Crystal Radio Kit Slime Science Kit Radio Control Car
$450 - Prize Level 5 Solar Cooking Kit Robot Can Kit Turbo Flip RC Giant Volcano Kit
$650 - Prize Level 6 BSA TM Deluxe Knife Cub Scout String Bag Cub Scout TM Knife Kit Landsailer
Alpha III Estes Rocket & Launch Kit Lego Compact Tracked Loader BSA Multi-Tool RC Helicopter $850 - Prize Level 7
$ Prize Level 8 Boy Scout TM Huntsman Swiss Army ® Knife Science or Magic Kit Lego Turbo Quad $30 Scout Shop Gift Card
$ Prize Level 9 Lightweight Camping Chair Compound Bow Set Quadcopter Syncpro Nano $50 Scout Shop Gift Card
$ Prize Level 10 Therm-A-rest Neo Air Sleeping Pad $75 Scout Shop Gift Card Grand Trunk Pro Hammock Quadcopter Cavern Kiddo
$ Prize Level 9 Camelbak ® Rim Runner Hydration Pack Drone Jetboil ® Camping Stove Lego Benny’s Spaceship
$ Prize Level 12 Parallax ® Boe-Bot Robot Kit iPod ® Nano 16GB $150 Scout Shop Gift Card Diamondback Helicopter
$ Prize Level 13 Osprey ® Ace 50L Backpack GoPro ® Video Camera Samsung ® 7” 16GB Tablet $200 Scout Shop Gift Card
Champion’s Club Win a Family Vacation in Orlando, Florida
$650 Club Sell $ FREE Tickets to the Columbus Lions Football 2016 Scout Night Game 2.Every $650 form submitted will be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing.
$1,200 Club Sell $1, FREE SEASON Tickets to the Columbus Lions Football VIP invitation to the Popcorn Champions Dinner in 2016 with the Columbus Lions
Grand Prize Drawing Win a Family Vacation in Orlando, Florida
Selling Popcorn What successful Scouts do to sell popcorn. Full, neat, and clean uniform Has a well prepared sales pitch Knows his customers and their past orders They exceed customer expectations Understands people are supporting Scouting NOT buying popcorn.
Selling Popcorn What successful Scouts say when they sell popcorn FOR RETURNING CUSTOMERS Introduce yourself giving your name and your Pack or Troop number. “Last year you supported my (Pack/Troop) with the purchase of (insert product they purchased) would you like to make the same order this year or would you like to try something new?”
Selling Popcorn What successful Scouts say when they sell popcorn FOR NEW CUSTOMERS Introduce yourself giving your name and your Pack or Troop number. “Would you like to support my (Pack/Troop) with the purchase of Trails-End popcorn?” IF YES then, “Here is the selection of products to choose from.”
Show-N-Sell No sitting! Take turns asking customers as they leave the store Full uniform Ask “Would you like to support our Pack/Troop?” Say Thank you even if they don’t buy.
Show and Deliver Sell with a buddy Never enter a house Have an adult within eyesight of the door Take payment and keep money in a safe place
Take Order Sell with a buddy Never enter a house Have an adult within eyesight of the door Take payment and keep money in a safe place
Take Order If Scouts sold last year have them start with past customers Average $300 an hour in sales Parents help sell Use social media Consider including your Chartered Partner Take the money up front Participate in the Blitz weekends
On-Line Sales Unit and Scouts get credit for sales Customer must have Scout’s popcorn ID Product is delivered to customer by Trails End
On-Line Sales Create a competition for on-line sales within your unit Use social media to sent out links to for your friends to buy on-line Send 10 s each to friends and family Social media promotion – Earn $10!
2015 Popcorn EXTRAVAGANZA!!