Welcome to the first Temple Running Club meeting of the semester! Wednesday September 10, 2014
Introduction O Tell us your name, year, major, and your current running goal
Our Mission O To unite and support the Temple University running community by establishing a campus- wide network of runners. The purpose of Temple University Running Club is to promote a healthy lifestyle by establishing safe, non-competitive group runs in the Philadelphia area. The club brings together both novice and seasoned runners and offers a supportive environment to encourage the pursuit of running goals. The Temple University Running Club also participates in Philadelphia-based road races of varying distances and integrate into the greater Philadelphia running community.
What are we about? O Basically, we love running and we love Philadelphia O So, we love running in Philadelphia O And we love our running friends O They are the best, and here is where you can meet them O And we love having safe companionship while running in Philadelphia O Exploring the city is awesome
Previously… O We obtained official group status O We held daily runs with at least 2-10 people O We had social events, such as pre-race pasta parties and movie nights O We had runners participate in runs from 5K to marathon O We had an array of runners compete in their first half or full marathon O We volunteered at water stations for the Philadelphia Marathon and Broad Street Run O We participated in Relay for Life
Current Weekly Runs (Updated Daily Via the Facebook Group) O Mondays meet at 5 PM at the IBC O Varying distance runs O Wednesdays meet at 5 PM at the IBC O Varying distance runs O Thursdays meet at 6 PM at the track O Speed workout on the track O Fridays meet at 5 PM at the IBC O Can’t make these workouts? Want to run at another time? No problem! Just post on the Facebook group a meeting place/time and type of workout to find a buddy! O Post your Tuesday and weekend runs as well as cross training workouts
Fairmount Running Company O Located at 2023 Fairmount Ave O Mention that you are a member of Temple Running Club to receive a discount
New This Year O Accommodating ALL PACES O Do NOT be intimidated by group runs! Their purpose is to help you grow as a runner as well as have social time during your day. We make sure no one is left behind, even if it means splitting group runs up into separate paces. O Philadelphia Half/Full Marathon training group O Many of us are training for this race. No need to train alone!
New This Year O Fun runs! O New to Philadelphia? Running with friends is the best and safest way to get to know the city O We will be running to famous Philadelphia landmarks throughout the weeks O For example, last week’s Reading Terminal Market run O Future adventure runs! O By taking SEPTA or driving to the beautiful Wissahickon Valley Park
Upcoming Races of Interest O September 20-Penn State Brandywine Invitational O Ideal to have a full team of at least 7 guys and 7 girls O Please sign up only if you are 100% in (either here or via Erica’s Facebook post) O Check your schedule first-there is a football game that day O Free but if we took SEPTA that would require money and if we drive we would need drivers O NO PRESSURE. This will totally be all about having fun! O Make sure to grab a shirt off of Dominic O September 21-Rock N’ Roll Half-Marathon O October 19-Temple Homecoming 5K O November 8-City 6 5K O November 23-Philadelphia Half and Full Marathon O Possibly volunteering
Words from Our Advisor O Dr. Margo Greicar
Find Us On Social Media O Facebook Group O Under Groups at Temple, search Temple Corps of Runners O “Like” us by searching Temple Corps of Runners O Twitter O Follow O OwlConnect O Temple University Running Club
Thank you for coming! O Any questions? Comments? Suggestions? O Stay tuned on Facebook or OwlConnect for the next meeting as well as upcoming running and social events!