INDEX Introduction Working principle of STPP 2 INDEX Introduction Working principle of STPP Proposed biomass supported STPP Advantages Conclusion
3 INTRODUCTION Use of non-renewable energy cause environmental pollution and also they gets depleted Pollution free, freely available renewable sources are best alternative Solar power plants are widely used but its main problem is variability Biomass plants are also used but its fuel availability in large amount is difficult
4 INTRODUCTION contd.. To overcome the disadvantages of both power plants they are combined By shared use of some of the equipments effective cost is less than simple addition Effective operating hours and therefore overall energy generation is higher Hence this can be considered as technology for future
WORKING PRINCIPLE OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT 5 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANT Need of solar thermal power plant is increasing due to increased fuel cost and environmental pollution Working similar to conventional thermal power plant Steam is generated through solar thermal energy instead of fossil fuel
METHODOLOGIES USED Parabolic Trough Collector System 6 METHODOLOGIES USED Parabolic Trough Collector System Parabolic Dish Focus System Central Receiver System
Diagram of parabolic trough 7 Diagram of parabolic trough
WORKING . . Most cost effective and reliable among the three 8 WORKING . . Most cost effective and reliable among the three It is constructed as a long parabolic trough- shaped mirror, generally made of polished metal Heat transfer fluid (usually oil) runs through the tube to absorb the concentrated sunlight. Heat from this HTF is used to produce super heated high pressure steam
Diagram of parabolic dish STPP 9 Diagram of parabolic dish STPP Tracks the sun by rotating about two axes and rays are brought to a point focus Receiver is placed at the focus Working fluid in the receiver gets heated Using this heat steam is produced Steam drives a prime mover to generate electricity
Central Receiver System 1010 Central Receiver System
1111 WORKING . . Solar radiation reflected from arrays of large mirrors which are called heliostats is concentrated on a receiver situated at the top of a supporting tower A molten salt is used as working fluid and medium of thermal storage
Characteristics of STPP 1212 Characteristics of STPP Collects thermal energy from sunrise When obtained energy is insufficient stored energy is used Hence constant electrical output is obtained Stored energy will be depleted sooner and thereafter no energy production
PROPOSED BIOMASS SUPPORTED STPP FOR STABLE AND CONTINUOUS OPERATION 1313 PROPOSED BIOMASS SUPPORTED STPP FOR STABLE AND CONTINUOUS OPERATION Large amount of budget will be required for building of large storage system Biomass supported plant can contribute to generate electrical energy continuously An auxiliary boiler is used to heat water whose fuel is provided from the biomass plant It maintain rated parameters of STHPP Hence generate electrical energy stably and continuously
Solar thermal power plant with an auxiliary boiler 1414 Solar thermal power plant with an auxiliary boiler In addition an auxiliary boiler is placed Fuel to boiler is provided from the biomass plant Steam from the boiler is given to the turbine in case of insufficient solar radiation
Characteristics of STHPP with auxiliary boiler 1515 Characteristics of STHPP with auxiliary boiler Storage energy of STHPP remain almost constant throughout the day So the electrical energy produced is stable and continuous
CONTRIBUTION OF THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM 1616 CONTRIBUTION OF THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM Thermal energy is relatively easier and less costly to store compared to electrical energy Sensible heat storage is most commonly used heat storage Thermal storage system of STHPP consists of two distinct tanks
1717 CONTD . . One contains working fluid leaving the solar reflector and other contains cooled working fluids leaving the steam generator Tanks must be of same size, in case of unavoidable disturbances entire contents should be stored in one tank Thermal energy is passed to storage if the temperature of heat source is higher than heat loads and vice versa
1818 BIOMASS FOR STPP Obtained from biological materials such as plants, trees, waste, sewage gas etc The effectiveness of power generation requires availability of biological materials and their transportation Combustion gases from the auxiliary boiler are conveyed to flue gas cleaning system and cleaned gases are released to atmosphere We must integrate the correct sources of energy for optimal power supply to a region It depend on geographical characters of region, transportation, transmission and distribution lines
ADVANTAGE OF BIOMASS SUPPORTED STHPP 1919 ADVANTAGE OF BIOMASS SUPPORTED STHPP Redundant energy is stored during sunny days When the parameters of steam cannot reach rated value during insufficient solar radiation, then biomass plant starts to operate Thus mixed steam reaches to rated value at exit of receiver Ensures 100% use of renewable sources to generate electricity Reduce pollution and increase the efficiency of STHPP
FURTHER RESEARCH FOR STHPP SYSTEM 2020 FURTHER RESEARCH FOR STHPP SYSTEM To minimize the cost of large solar thermal energy storage system The operation of auxiliary boiler fed from biomass fuel should be more optimized and automatic for stable and reliable operation
CONCLUSION Ensure to use 100% renewable sources 2121 CONCLUSION Ensure to use 100% renewable sources Stable and continuous mode of operation The storage system of STHPP contributes to save biomass fuel that will increase the overall efficiency of the plant This plant can be considered as most important modes to use solar thermal and biomass power in future
2222 The world’s first plant combining biomass and solar thermal energy in Catalonia It can generate 25 MW of power enough to supply 75000 houses It consist of almost 2,688 solar panels Using this renewable energy plant will prevent 24,500 tones of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.
REFERENCE D. Mills, "Advances in solar thermal electricity technology” 2323 REFERENCE D. Mills, "Advances in solar thermal electricity technology” Z. Y. Ming and W. Jun, "Trough system and tower system” G. Celli, et al., "Optimal location of biogas and biomass generation plants"
WORKING . . Used to drive Stirling engine to generate electricity 2424 WORKING . . Used to drive Stirling engine to generate electricity A Stirling engine is a heat engine operating by cyclic compression and expansion of the working fluid, at different temperature levels such that there is net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work( Stirling engine)
Alpha type Stirling engine 2525 Alpha type Stirling engine Alpha type Stirling engine. There are two cylinders. The expansion cylinder (red) is maintained at a high temperature while the compression cylinder (blue) is cooled. The passage between the two cylinders contains the regenerator
ABSTRACT Non-renewable resources are in a edge of depletion 2626 ABSTRACT Non-renewable resources are in a edge of depletion Energy efficient renewable sources are needed for our future Biomass supported STHPP is a solution Energy generation totally from renewable sources
2727 ESTIMATED COST OF PROPOSED BIOMASS SUPPORTED SOLAR THERMAL HYBRID POWER PLANT Sources Estimated cost/KW (in USD) Estimated combined cost/KW (in USD ) Solar thermal plant 3,149 5,018 Biomass plant 1,869