Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) Interpreting predictive models in terms of anatomically labelled regions J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA
J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Data Feature extraction/selection Model specification Accuracy and significance Model interpretation Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 2
Where in the brain is the information of interest? i.e. Which brain areas contribute most to the model’s prediction? Data Feature extraction/selection Model specification Accuracy and significance Model interpretation J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 3
Computing “weight maps”: - From linear (kernel) methods - Attributing one weight per feature - For an SVM model: J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 4
J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 5
J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 6 1
Different strategies: 1.A priori knowledge: ROI selection 2.Searchlight 3.Feature selection 4.Sparse algorithms 5.Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) 6.Permutation tests 7.A posteriori knowledge: weight summarization J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 7
Different strategies: 1.A priori knowledge: ROI selection 2.Searchlight 3.Feature selection 4.Sparse algorithms 5. Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) 6.Permutation tests 7.A posteriori knowledge: weight summarization 8 Data Feature extraction/selection Model specification Accuracy and significance Model interpretation J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 8
1. A priori knowledge: ROI selection e.g. Choosing voxels/features based on literature or on previous univariate results (independent dataset). J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 9
1. A priori knowledge: ROI selection +- Good accuracy?Need an anatomical hypothesis Anatomically/ functionally relevant Cannot threshold obtained map Arbitrary choice of region number and size Multiple models = multiple comparisons J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 10
2. Searchlight (Kriegeskorte et al., 2006) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 11
2. Searchlight (Kriegeskorte et al., 2006) +- Threshold for each neighborhood Not anatomically/functionally relevant (spheres) Not a weight filterLocally multivariate Arbitrary choice of neighborhood size Multiple models = multiple comparisons Time-consuming J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 12 Review: Etzel et al., 2013
3. Feature selection Rank the features according to a specific criterion and select a subset. Example: -Univariate t-test -Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE, De Martino, 2008) based on SVM weights J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 13
3. Feature selection +- Data-drivenNot anatomically/functionally relevant (voxel sparse) Time-consuming: nested CV Depends on selected technique: flaws in feature selection are reflected in model. user choice must be informed. Different strategies = different patterns with same accuracy. J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 14
4. Sparse algorithms Algorithms with regularization constraints such that the weight of some features is perfectly null. Examples: -LASSO (Tibshirani, 1996) -Elastic-net (Zou and Hastie, 2005) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 15
4. Sparse algorithms +- Data-drivenNot anatomically/functionally relevant (voxel sparse) Embedded in modelStability of selected voxels (Baldassarre, et al., 2012): different regularization terms = different patterns for same accuracy. J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 16
4. Sparse algorithms Note: stability selection (Varoquaux et al., 2012, Rondina et al., 2014). +- Data-drivenNot anatomically/functionally relevant Embedded in modelStability of selected voxels (Baldassarre, et al., 2012): different regularization terms = different patterns for same accuracy. J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 17
J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 18
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5. Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 21
5. Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 22
5. Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) +- Anatomically/ functionally relevant Stability of the selected regions Used the full pattern to build the model Depends on atlas Thresholded and sorted list of regions according to d m Hierarchical view of the model parameters J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 23
6. Permutation test Build weight maps from permutation tests (e.g. Mourão- Miranda et al., 2005) and associate a p-value to each weight. J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 24 Simulated data. Image from Gaonkar and Davatzikos, 2013.
6. Permutation test +- Map can be thresholdedComputationally expensive Used the full pattern to build the model Need to correct for multiple comparisons (cannot make the hypothesis of independent voxels/weights) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 25 Note: analytic approximation of null distribution for SVM (Gaonkar and Davatzikos, 2013).
J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 26
7. A posteriori knowledge: weight summarization AAL atlas (Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2002). J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 27
7. A posteriori knowledge: weight summarization +- Anatomically/ functionally relevant No thresholding of the sorted list of regions Used the full pattern to build the model Depends on atlas Sorted list of regions according to their proportion of NW ROI J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 28
How about electrophysiological recordings? -All strategies explained previously apply -For MKL, can be applied on each dimension (i.e. channels, time point, frequency band) or combination (e.g. channel + frequency band) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 29
How about non-linear models? -Statistical sensitivity maps (Rasmussen et al., 2011) for SVM, kernel logistic regression and kernel Fisher discriminant. sensitivity map (linear) = (weight filter) 2 -Use of non-linear kernels in neuroimaging? (Kragel et al., 2012) J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 30
Conclusions: -Interpreting machine learning based models can be complex. -Different strategies exist, but always a trade-off between different parameters: Thresholded list of voxels/regions contributing Anatomical/functional relevance Multivariate power Stability of the pattern Computational time Your (informed) choice! J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 31
Acknowledgments: -Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) -Medical Foundation of the Liège Rotary Club -Stanford University -University College London -Wellcome Trust Figures created using PRoNTo version 2.0 ( 32 J. Schrouff Stanford University, CA, USA Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging (PR4NI) 32
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