OCULA Thanks Our Sponsors: #OCULA2016
Imagining Digital Spaces Discovering Solutions in OLITA’s Tech Lending Library
Technology Lending Library Available to all OLA members Explore and experiment with new technologies 6-12 week loan period Items mailed to libraries or individual members Contact Beckie MacDonald for item availability.
Your Assignment Develop a project proposal that enhances library space, incorporating at least one piece of technology from the OLITA Technology Lending Library.
Miniature Video Cameras Potential Uses o First-person library tours o User feedback tool o Independent usability testing Flip Video Camera
Invention Kits MaKey Squishy Circuits
Invention Kits – “MaKey MaKey”
Invention Kits Potential Uses o Alert light when a user is waiting for service o Tracking non-circulating collection use o Accessible collection that responds to touch Makey Squishy Circuits
Physical Web Beacons Potential Uses o Interactive/annotated archives o Library orientation scavenger hunt o Targeted promotion of library services BKON
Physical Web Beacons – University of Edinburgh
Single-Board Computers Raspberry Pi Arduino Potential Uses o Portable barcode scanner o GPS-enabled call numbers o Works best when combined with other technologies
“The Posting Tail”
Your Assignment Develop a project proposal that enhances library space, using at least one piece of technology from the OLITA Technology Lending Library. Tips The more technologies you use, the better. Think big! Be imaginative! Don’t worry too much about practicality at this point. Record your ideas on the chart provided.
Pick a Project (3 min) o A better way of collecting user feedback o A more immersive library tour o A more interactive approach to library instruction o A more accessible physical collection o A more efficient way to collect fines Even better, come up with your own!
Brainstorm Solutions (5 min) Generate as many possible solutions as you can o What’s the silliest idea you can come up with? o The most elaborate? o The most “out there”? o The most expensive? o The most boring?
Develop Your Solution (10 min) Choose 1 solution and mock-up a proposal : o What technologies does it use? o How does it work? o What does it look like? o What is it called? Record your answers on the chart provided.
Present Your Solution