Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjective Shows to whom something belongs
Examples in English my pencil your book their pets his car our house
Possessive Adjectives in Spanish mi = my tu = your su = his, her, their, formal your nuestro/nuestra = our
Nuestro versus Nuestra Nuestro is used with male nouns. Nuestra is used with female nons. Examples: Nuestro carro. (our car) Nuestra casa. (our house)
tu versus tú It is very important to not put an accent mark over the “u” in “tu.” tu = your tú = you (informal) (not a possessive adjective)
Rule of Possessive Adjectives If the noun is singular, the possessive adjective must be singular. If the noun is plural, the possessive adjective must be plural. mi libro (my book) mis libros (my books)
To make a possessive adjective plural... you simply add a “s”
mi mis tu tus su sus nuestro nuestros nuestra nuestras
Checking for Understanding
What does a possessive adjective do? Shows to whom something belongs
How do you say “my” in Spanish? mi
How do you say “your” in Spanish? tu
How do you say “his” in Spanish? su
How do you say “her” in Spanish? su
How do you say “their” in Spanish? su
How do you say “our” in Spanish? nuestro/nuestra
What is the rule of possessive adjectives in regards to singular and plural? If the noun is singular, the possessive adjective must be singular. If the noun is plural, the possessive adjective must be plural.
What do you do to make a possessive adjective plural? simply add a “s”
How would you say “your house?” Tu casa
How would you say “my dog?” mi perro
How would you say “her car?” su carro
How would you say “our class?” nuestra clase
How would you say “his cat?” su gato
How would you say “our cheese?” nuestro queso
el fin