1 EXPANSION AND CONFLICT TIMELINE OF THE MAIN EVENTS 1836 – Fall of the Alamo; Texas declares independence from Mexico – Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1845 – James K. Polk inaugurated President; Texas joins the union – The Mexican War 1846 – Wilmot Proviso proposed 1847 – Brigham Young founds Salt Lake City 1848 – Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo; Free-Soil Party organized 1849 – Zachary taylor inaugurated President; California gold rush 1850 – Compromise of 1850 passed; President Tyler dies, and Millard Fillmore succeeds him 1853 – Gadsden Purchase
2 Expansion and Conflict I. The Spirit of Expansion Sweeps into Texas – 1840 A. Manifest Destiny 1. This is the idea that we should expand our borders from “Sea to shining sea” B. 6 Reasons to Expand 1. Desire for land 2. New markets for goods 3. More immigrants 4. To expand trade 5. Give people a fresh start 6. Spread democracy What do you think??? Did the U.S. reasons for expansion justify taking the Mexican territory?
3 C. Come to Mexico/Texas!! 1. Texas was originally part of Mexico. a. Mexico offered land grants to people to settle in Texas. 2. The Austin Family a. Stephen Austin wanted Texas to be a state within Mexico. D. Mexican-American Problems 1. Mexico outlawed slavery and tried to enforce it in Texas. – “Now wait a second!!” 2. ¿Qué dijo usted? ¿Habla usted inglés? (What’d you say? You speakin’ English?”) 3. Sam Houston & Davy Crockett came to Texas and felt there was no need to live under Mexican law.
4 E. "Remember the Alamo!" 1. Santa Anna and his troops attacked a group of Texans at the Alamo. a. 187 Americans died b. The Mexicans lost 1,600 F. The Lone Star Republic 1. Texas declared their independence 2. Sam Houston attacked Santa Anna with the battle cry “Remember the Alamo!” a. He was elected President of the Lone Star Republic G. The Lone Star State 1. Many in the south wanted Texas to join the US to expand slavery. a. The North wasn’t crazy about it.
5 2. President John Tyler annexed Texas and it became the 28 th state on December 29, H. The Santa Fe Trail 1. Trade between Texas & Mexico II. Go West A. Our northern boundary 1. The Webster-Ashburn Treaty a. It didn’t settle the area today known as Oregon though B. We Want Oregon 1. It had fertile soil and abundant rainfall 2. The Oregon Trail Hmmm..... What were the similarities and differences between the settlers who went to Utah and Oregon?
6 C. The Election of The Democrats & the "Dark Horse" a. This is an unknown person who gets unexpected support. b. That person was James K. Polk 2. The campaign issue was westward expansion D. The Oregon Border 1. Fifty-four Forty or Fight!! a. Newspapers created this slogan to set the northern boundary for the territory. b. The British said “OK”
7 E. "California, Here I Come......" 1. Americans were starting to move to California – but Mexico refused to sell it to us. F. The Mormons in Utah 1. Joseph Smith – Palmyra, NY a. He claimed that he had received a message from God and found The Book of Mormons b. This angered some people who were upset with the belief in polygamy (having more than one wife) and actually killed Smith. 2. Brigham Young a. Took over for Smith and led the Mormons to Utah and established Salt Lake City
8 III. The Mexican-American War A. President Polk declares war 1. He faced opposition from people in the Northeast 2. He wanted New Mexico and California 3. Henry David Thoreau protested this war and went to jail a. He wrote “The Duty of Civil Disobedience” B. Some Successful Leaders Emerged! 1. General Zachary Taylor a. "Old Rough & Ready" 2. General Winfield Scott a. "Old Fuss & Feathers"
9 3. General Stephen Kearney a. "The Long Marcher" C. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) 1. This treaty ended the war a. Set the Rio Grande as the border with Texas b. We also got California and New Mexico. 2. The Gadsden Purchase a. This was used for the transcontinental railroad. D. Slavery or No? 1. The Wilmot Proviso said no to slavery in the new territory. a. This was another example of growing sectionalism over the issue of slavery
10 b. The Northerners saw this as a moral issue E. The Election of Democrats – Lewis Cass 2. Free Soil – Martin Van Buren a. Trying for his second term b. They wanted to abolish slavery in the territories (making it “free”) c. Called for the federal government to give “free” land to settlers 3. Whigs – Zachary Taylor (the winner)
11 IV. The Compromise of 1850 A. "There's Gold in 'dem 'dar hills!" 1. Gold Rush of 1849 caused the population of California to explode – “Sutter’s Mill **2. California applies for statehood – w/o slaves B. The slave issue is HUGE 1. Secession becomes a possibility a. Southerners were upset because the balance of power would be thrown off. 2. The Great Compromiser – Henry Clay a. Tried to appease everyone. 3. John Calhoun a. Supports slavery and if necessary– secession b. He was working with his old rival Daniel Webster
12 C. Clay's compromise is adopted 1. Utah and New Mexico should decide for themselves about the issue of slavery (popular sovereignty) 5. The union is saved for now. Think About It…. Why was it so unrealistic to expect Henry Clay’s Compromise to solve the question of slavery? 4. Stephen A. Douglas (Senator from Illinois) spoke in favor of the compromise. 2. Where slavery already existed, don’t abolish it without the consent of the residents. 3. A strict fugitive slave law should be adopted.