Assessment process in Latvia Gunta Kinta Academic Information Centre NCP-VET-CO project third meeting 3 – 4 June 2010 in Riga
Legal framework State vocational education standards (vocational education, vocational upper-secondary education, first and second level professional higher education standards) Occupation standards Vocational education curricula Study subject or course syllabi Other laws and regulations
Organisation of assessment process Ground principles accumulation of positive achievements (vocational education and vocational upper-secondary education standard) mandatory evaluation (all standards) openness and clarity of evaluation criteria (all standards) diversity in evaluation forms (vocational education and vocational upper-secondary education standard) availability of tests (vocational education and vocational upper- secondary education standard) appropriateness of evaluation (first level professional higher education standard)
Organisation of assessment process Ground principles Grade scale 1-10: o 10 – outstanding o 9 – excellent o 8 – very good o 7 – good o 6 – almost good o 5 – satisfactory o 4 – almost satisfactory o 3 – poor o 2 – very poor o 1 – very, very poor Non-grade evaluation: o pass or fail very high level high level medium level low level (fail)
Organisation of assessment process Two parts of the process: class assessment – methods set by teacher according to content and previously determined aims and objectives final exams – content and procedures set by national regulations
Organisation of assessment process Final tests Vocational education – qualification examination Vocational upper-secondary education: o qualification examination o four examinations in general education subjects (Latvian language and literature, first foreign language, math and free choice) Professional higher education: o diploma work/project and/or o diploma paper (bachelor or master thesis)
Qualification examination Exam programme is developed by school in cooperation with state and professional bodies Examination has two parts: o theoretical o practical Lowest pass grade is “5” Examination commission consists of three labour market representatives Exams are arranged in schools or in state recognised examination centres
Assessors and their competence I Vocational education teacher’s main tasks: Implementation of education programmes Assessment and analysis of students’ knowledge and skills Fostering development of creative attitudes and independence in learners Search for and application of new ideas, technologies, and methods
Assessors and their competence II Vocational education teacher education and qualification : a vocational qualification (vocational secondary education or master crafts level qualification awarded by the Chamber of Crafts) and higher education teacher qualification or a vocational qualification and participating in teacher education or a higher teacher qualification or an academic degree and a teacher qualification
Feedback after assessment I Differentiated monthly scholarships for vocational education students Appeal procedure after final examinations Publication of qualification exam results
Feedback after assessment II State Education Content Centre, 2010
Assessment process in Latvia Gunta Kinta Academic Information Centre NCP-VET-CO project third meeting 3 – 4 June 2010 in Riga