The webinar The Schoolhouse Model & Quality Inclusive Education Practices Self- Assessment will 11 AM Please use this time to adjust the volume of your speakers while the music is playing
Attendance At this time, if you have not already done so, please use your chat pod and type the district/LEA you are representing If you are viewing this webinar with others in the room, please indicate their name as well
Downloading Files You can download all of today’s materials in the FILES 2 Pod on the bottom left of your screen at any time during the presentation – Click on the selected file – Click DOWNLOAD FILE – Select the destination where you would like to save the file
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Archived Webinars This webinar is being recorded and will be available for viewing at under Inclusive Practices | Webinars |
People First Language Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.”
Poll Question This question is to assess your knowledge of the topic BEFORE the webinar. At the end of the webinar, we will assess if your knowledge increased. I have knowledge of the Quality Education Practices and Indicators Self- Assessment Yes No
The Schoolhouse Model & Quality Education Practices Self-Assessment Dr. Richard A. Villa
Quality Education Practices (QEPs) The QEPS were designed to assist schools and school districts to assess their current level of compliance with state and federal mandates, implementation of Quality Educational Practices and to plan for continuous improvement.
QEPs For optimum results, all members of the teaching and administrative staff should complete the Quality Educational Practices Assessment. In addition, feedback should be solicited from other stakeholder groups.
QEP Survey Administration The assessment can be completed at a faculty meeting, over several faculty meetings, or the instrument can be completed individually. Survey participants might find it valuable to review the RTI: Co- Teaching and Differentiated Instruction laminated trifold prior to completing the survey.
QEP Survey Results Once completed, the information should be compiled, analyzed, and incorporated into a continuous improvement plan by a team comprised of representatives from all stakeholder groups. The instruments should be re-administered yearly in an effort to monitor progress in complying with state and federal mandates as well as the implementation of quality educational practices.
Administrative Actions V ision S kills I ncentives R esources A ction Planning
QEP FORMAT Administrative Leadership & Support This is a practice at my school This should be a practice at my school If not, why? 1.Building level administrators have publicly conveyed a commitment to and rationale for… Yes___ No ___ Not sure___ Yes___ No___ Time___ Attitude___ Policy ___ Staff___ Training___ Accountability___ Other___________ 2. Staff roles have been redefined so that all are expected to educate… Yes___ No ___ Not sure___ Yes___ No___ Time___ Attitude___ Policy ___ Staff___ Training___ Accountability___ Other___________
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 1.Administrative Leadership & Support18 Indicators
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 1.Administrative Leadership & Support 18 Indicators 2.Collaborative Planning Processes 4 general indicators Face-to-Face Interaction 6 indicators Positive Interdependence & 5 indicators Individual Accountability Group Processing 6 indicators
Creativity Creativity represents a miraculous coming together of the uninhibited energy of the child with its opposite and enemy – the sense of order imposed on the disciplined adult intelligence
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 1.Administrative Leadership & Support18 Indicators 2.Collaborative Planning Processes 4 general indicators Face-to-Face Interaction 6 indicators Positive Interdependence & 5 indicators Individual Accountability Group Processing 6 indicators 3. Creative Problem-Solving 6 indicators
Co-Teaching is… two or more people sharing responsibility for teaching all of the students assigned to a classroom.
Approaches to Co-Teaching Supportive Parallel Complementary Team
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 4. Co-Teaching 16 Indicators
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Response to Intervention & Instruction( RtI 2 )
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 4. Co-Teaching 16 Indicators 5. MTSS/RTI Tier I(Core) 10 indicators Tier II (Supplemental) 10 indicators Tier III (Intensive) 11 indicators
Our task is to teach the kinds of kids we have. Not the kind of kids we used to have, want to have, or those that exist in a dream. Kent Gerlach
How Do I Differentiate Instruction? 1.Gather Facts About the Learners 2.Differentiate Content & Materials 3.Differentiate Products & Assessment 4.Differentiate Processes of Learning
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 4. Co-Teaching 16 Indicators 5. MTSS/RTI Tier I(Core) 10 indicators Tier II (Supplemental) 10 indicators Tier III (Intensive) 11 indicators 6. Differentiated Instruction 8 indicators
Inclusive education is-- welcoming, valuing, empowering, and supporting the diverse academic, social, language, and communication learning of all students in shared environments and experiences for the purpose of attaining the goals of education.
Quality Education Practices & Indicators 4. Co-Teaching 16 Indicators 5. MTSS/RTI Tier I(Core) 10 indicators Tier II (Supplemental) 10 indicators Tier III (Intensive) 11 indicators 6. Differentiated Instruction 8 indicators 7.Access & Success for All in the General Education Curriculum 10 indicators
My Turn Using the chat pod in the bottom right corner, answer the following questions: 1. How do you plan to use this survey? Who will participate? Will they complete the survey individually or at faculty meetings? 2. When do you plan to use this survey? 3. Which QEPs are most important to you? In which areas do you think your school or school district will score highly? Poorly?
The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A However those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Kala Burrell-Craft
Building Capacity When you leave today, what will you do with this information? How will you share it with others in your district? When will you share it? (Timeline)
Poll Question My knowledge of the Quality Education Practices and Indicators Self-Assessment increased after this webinar Yes No
Attendance At this time, if you have not already done so, please use your chat pod and type the district/LEA you are representing If you are viewing this webinar with others in the room, please indicate their name as well
We want your feedback! We are about to launch a quick survey If you have pop up blockers enabled, you can go directly to the survey at After completion of the survey, you are finished; we will be closing the webinar shortly Thank you for your time!