Love Scientifically Fantasy or Reality ? Fairy tale or Real Life? Expecting too much? “When you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember, I'm like a star; sometimes you can't see me, but I'm always there.”
Love is: hell, borderline suicide, disgusting, beautiful, yet addicting Love has many meanings. It could be a deep passion for another being, it could be pure luck, it could be the feeling as finding someone who is like the other half of your soul. Love is everlasting. Love should be unconditional. It’s hard to explain love in word. “ Love needs action, needs more than words.” Love is a mutual feeling felt between two people, something that depending on the situation, love can both make your highest highs and your lowest lows. It is one of the most influential emotions that can be felt by a human being.
Love is irrational, you cant control whether you want it or not. “You cannot got to take it whenever you create love, you just have it.” Love is when you have a special feeling toward another person. You feel happy being with them, sometimes just by seeing them. And you would do almost anything for him or her. Forever isn’t what I’m looking for, I just want a honest heart with warm hands for me to hold on to Love is just like “liking someone, except with a whole lot more drama
Lookin’ Crazy in Love In TIME Magazine Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker puts a surprisingly positive spin on so-called crazy love. That romantic infatuation, with its ideational obsession, mood swings and intense need for signs of reciprocation is different from lust and long-term commitment. Later, Pinker suggests choosing a mate who is driven to be with you, and not your objective “mate value.” If the connection comes with involuntary reactions in the brain (increased heart rate, flushed skin, etc.) then there is less chance this person will drop you for someone with greater objective value further down the road. d=A8EF82B7-E827-7A D31045
Spring is the season for love, Scientifically speaking St. Paul, Minn believes a nice day in April seems to be about as close as you can get to perfect. When the weather warms up, it’s love that’s in the air. Why is that? Science of course Spring is a season of cliches- birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. The sweetest moments never last, but that only opens up the chance for us to stumble into them all over again.
True Love: Fantasy or Reality? “Do you believe true love exists?” asked Aileen wit her heavy Barsgahye accent. The answers to the definition of true love can. be as varies as there are waves in the ocean. Several random sampling of answers to the question of “what is true love?” has been discussed, yet it is still unverifiable. Is it reasonable to expect that life should be like a fairy tale where everyone lives in harmony happily ever after? Ultimately true love is about respect for another, cherishing their individuality, supporting their efforts, applauding their achievements, caring for their wounds while they heal and allowing room for them to grow into better human beings. This takes a very long time.
Falling In Love Is ‘More Scientific Than You Think’ Does the heart fall in love, or the brain? For instance, activation in some parts of the brain can generate stimulations to the heart, butterflies in the stomach. Some symptoms we sometimes feel as a manifestation of the heart may sometimes be coming from the brain. Brain, but the heat also relates because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart.
Every so often a love story so captures our hearts that it becomes more than a story- it becomes an experience to remember forever. How passion can be ageless and timeless, a tale that moves us to laughter and tears and makes us believe in true love over again…