PRE-VET TOOL I.D. By: Kristen Howard
100- AMBUBAG This is a handheld device used to provide ventilation to a patient that’s not breathing.
101-ANESTHETIC MACHINES The main purpose of this machine is to put the animal to sleep by inhaled gas.
102-ANIMAL CLIPPERS Used to trim animals hair or fur.
103-AUTOCLAVE Used to sterilize equipment used in surgery.
104-AUTOCLAVE TAPE INDICATOR This tape has stripes that change color after exposure to steam sterilization.
105-BACKHAUS TOWEL CLAMPS A clamp used for fixing drapes or sheets over anesthetized patients.
106-BALLING GUN A device used for administrating oral medication to an animal.
107- BANDS(CASTRATION OR DOCKING) Used to castrate larger male animals.
108-ELASTICON Used for support strapping, fractures, muscle injuries, or various knee, elbow, or shoulder conditions.
109-ROLL GAUZE Used to effectively hold dressings securely in place.
110-VET WRAP Used to apply pressure to inhibit bleeding.
111-BASKET MUZZLE Used to prevent the risk of a dog biting someone around it.
112-BETADINE Used topically for surface infections.
113- SOFT BRISTLE BODY BRUSH Used to brush head, stomach, and any other tender places on the body.
114- STIFF BRISTLE DANDY BRUSH Used for non- sensitive parts of the body; used to remove dirt.
115-SLICKER BRUSH Used to remove matts and to remove dead hair while gently stimulating the skin.
116- PIN BRUSH Used to remove large matts or knots in the animals hair.
117-BULB SYRINGE Used to clear mucus or any thing else out of the nose or mouth.
118-CAT BAG Used to restrain cats or small dogs when needed.
119- CARMALT Conventional ratcheted, box-jointed hemostat forceps with grooves on the blade surfaces that run in the same direction as the length of the blades.
120-CATCH POLE (DOG SNARE) Used to catch dogs at safe distances.
121- IV CATHETER When an IV is put in the needle is pulled out leaving the catheter behind. This catheter is then used to insert any medication or fluids to the body. Needle Catheter
122-BUTTERFLY CATHETER When an IV is put in the needle is pulled out leaving the catheter behind. This catheter is then used to insert any medication or fluids to the body. Has what looks like butterfly wings.
123-URINE CATHETER Used to drain the bladder.
124- CENTRIFUGE Used to separate bacteria and blood or urine in a test tube.
125- CHAIN TWITCH A horse twitch is a device used as an alternative to a sedative to keep your horse quiet while you work on him. Twitches are used for a variety of situations, including first aid treatments, sheath cleanings, clippings, small medical procedures and exams.
126- CHEMICAL INDICATOR STRIPS Used to determine how sterilized surgery instruments are.
127- CLIPPER BLADES Used to be able to cut different lengths of hair.
128- CLIPPER COMB Used to give even hair cuts but simply brushing through the coat with this special comb.
129- SURGICAL DRAPES Used to divide sterile parts of the body from non- sterile.
130- COLD STERILE TRAY Used to sterilize instruments in a special solution.
131- CURRY COMB Used to brush in a circular motion to work out embedded dirt and or hair.
132- FLEA COMB This brush is designed with the teeth close together. Therefor when brushed through the animals coat fleas come out onto the brush.
133- SCOTCH COMB Used to groom cattle hair.
134- COVER SLIPS Tiny slip of glass used to hold specimen down on the glass slide.
135- BARNES DEHORNER Used to dehorn cattle.
136- ELECTRIC DEHORNER Used to dehorn cattle.
137- SCOOP/TUBE DEHORNER Used to dehorn cattle.
138- DENTAL FLOATS Used to float or grind down rough or sharp places on the teeth.
139- DENTAL RETRACTOR Used to hold the mouth open.
140- DENTAL SCALER Used to remove plaque from teeth.
141- DISPOSABLE HYPODERMIC NEEDLES Used to give vaccines.
142- DRENCH GUN Used to administer large amounts of oral medication at once.
143- EAR NOTCHER Used to identify pigs.
144- EAR TAGS Used to identify livestock.
145- METAL EAR TAG PLIERS Used to apply metal ear tags.
146- ELASTRATOR Used to stretch castration bands.
147- ELIZABETHIAN COLLAR Used to keep mainly dogs and cats from licking or scratching wounds.
148- EMASCULATORS Used to castrate livestock.
149- ENDOTRACHEAL TUBES A catheter inserted into the trachea through the mouth or nose in order to maintain an open air passage.
150- FECAL LOOP Used to get fecal samples.
151- FECALYZERS Used to diagnose parasites in animals.
152- SMALL ANIMAL FEEDING TUBE Used to feed small animals temporarily while they are unable to physically eat.
153- FETAL EXTRACTOR Used to help birth livestock.
154- FINGERTIP TOOTHBRUSH Used to brush smaller animals teeth by placing it over your finger tip and gently brushing over the teeth.
156- ALLIGATOR FORCEPS Alligator Forceps are used for grasping small objects or removing items from small cavities in the body.
157- ALLIS TISSUE FORCEPS Allis tissue forceps with 4x5 teeth are tissue forceps which are used to grab on to tissue or to retract it. The forceps have serrated jaws and have blades which curve towards the inside.
158- BABCOCK TISSUE FORCEPS Babcock forceps have loop blades which are also semicircular in sagittal cross-section. Designed to hold a short length of intestine without compressing it.
159-BROWN- ADSON THUMB FORCEPS A thumb forceps similar to the Adson forceps, having fine teeth at the tip, used for grasping delicate tissue.
160- CRILE FORCEPS Used to grasp larger vessels or tissue.
161- HALSTEAD MOSQUITO HEMOSTATIC FORCEPS Hemostatic forceps are used in many surgical procedures usually to control bleeding or the flow of liquids in tubing. They have ring handles just like scissors. The ratcheted handles can be locked in multiple positions in order to maintain variable levels of constant pressure.
162- KELLY FORCEPS Slightly longer than the Halsted Mosquito, the Kelly forceps have a longer jaw to clamp off vessels that control blood flow.
163- RAT TOOTH THUMB FORCEPS Tissue forceps used to stop bleeding/occlude blood supple to tissue by crushing blood vessels.
164-SMALL MOUTH GAG SPECULUM Used to hold a small animal’s mouth open while a veterinarian is working in the animal’s mouth.
165- LARGE MOUTH GAG SPECULUM Used to hold a small animal’s mouth open while a veterinarian is working in the animal’s mouth.
166- GAVAGE NEEDLE A gavage needle is used to deliver a substance straight to the animal’s stomach.
167- GRAVITY FEEDER/ J TUBE A feeding tube is a medical device used to provide nutrition to patients who cannot obtain nutrition by mouth, are unable to swallow safely, or need nutritional supplementation.
168- HALTER A halter is used to lead or tie up an animal.
169-HEAD CHUTE Used to hold cattle for vaccinations, branding, etc.
170- HOG SNARE Used to control feral hogs.
171- HOOF KNIFE Used to trim off unneeded parts of the hoof.
172-HOOF NIPPERS Used to remove surplus growth on the hoof wall.
173- HOOF PICK Used to clean the dirt and foreign objects out of the underneath of the hoof.
174- HOOF RASP Used to remove excess hoof wall from the hoof.
175- HOOF TRIMMERS Used to trim the hoof.
176-HUMANE TWITCH Used to calm horses by hitting nerves in the mouth that make the horse relax.
178- IDENTIFICATION TAG APPLICATOR Used to make a hole in the ear so the identification tag can be put into the ear.
179- IV FLUIDS Used to rehydrate animals through an IV.
180- IV ADMINISTRATION When an IV is injected into the vein of an animal.
181-LARYNGOSCOPES Used to examine the larynx.
182-LEAD ROPE Used to attach to the halter to lead or to tie up.
183- LEAD SHANK Used like a lead rope with the exception of a chain across the top of the nose bone. Lead Shank
184-MAYO-HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDER Used to hold suture needles.
185- OLSEN-HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDER Used to hold a suture needle.
186-MICRSCOPE SLIDES Used to hold a specimen while viewing it through a microscope.
187- COMERCIAL MUZZLE Used to prevent the risk of a dog biting someone around it.
188- GUILLOTINE NAIL CLIPPERS Used to clip a smaller animals nails.
189-PLIER NAIL CLIPPERS Used to clip a smaller animal’s nails.
190- OBSTETRICAL CHAIN AND HANDLE Used to assist in large animal’s deliveries.
191- OPHTHALMOSCOPE Used to examine the eyes.
192-OTOSCOPE Used to look into the ears.
193- PASTE GUN Used to give medication with the consistency of paste orally.
194- PIG TOOTH NIPPERS Used for clipping needle teeth in baby pigs. Also used for docking tails and castration.
195- PILL COUNTING TRAY Used to count pills by pouring them on the tray and separating them into groups.
196-RADIOLOGY PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Used to keep harmful rays from getting to the human body.
197-RUMEN MAGNET Used to retrieve unwanted objects such as barbed wire or nails that get into the rumen.
198- SCALPEL BLADE Used to make initial incisions during surgery.
199- SCALPEL HANDLE Used to hold the blade to make the initial cut.
200- BANDAGE SCISSORS Used to cut bandages.
201- LISTER BANDAGE SCISSORS Used to cut bandages.
202- LITTAUER SUTURE REMOVAL SCISSORS Used to cut tissue, suture wire, and bandage material.
203- MAYO DISSECTING SCISSORS Used to cut thick tissues such as those found in the uterus, muscles, and breast and foot.
204- METZENBAUM DISSECTING SCISSORS Typically used to cut soft tissues.
205-SHEDDING BLADE Used to reduce coat shedding and minimize the possibility of tangles and matts.
206- SILVER NITRATE STICKS Typically used to permanently remove unwanted tissue such as a wart or a mole.
207- SMALL ANIMAL OXYGEN CAGE Used to supply the animal with oxygen; serves as a portable critical care unit for small animals.
SNOOK OVARIOHYSTERECTOMY HOOK Snook hook. a surgical instrument with a curved, button tip used to retrieve a horn of the uterus when performing ovariohysterectomy in dogs and cats.
209- SQUEEZE CHUTE Used to hold cattle for vaccinations, branding, etc.
210- STAPLE REMOVER Used to remove surgical staples.
211- STEEL LIFT TABLE Used to lift the animal to the doctors level without having to lift the animal.
212- STETHOSCOPE Used to listen to the lungs and the heart rate.
213- SURGICAL CAP Used for medical professionals to maintain a sanitary environment for their patients by keeping their hair out of the procedure.
214- SURGICAL GLOVES Used to keep the caregiver from being contaminated.
215- SURGICAL GOWN Used to keep the area around the patient completely sanitary by covering all clothing and body parts from the neck down.
216- SURGICAL MASKS Used to keep the area around the patient completely sanitary by covering the mouth so the germs of the mouth do not contaminate the patient.
217- SURGICAL TRAY Used to hold all of the tools and equipment required in surgery.
218- SUTURE MATERIALS All the materials needed to give stitches including the suture needle, suture wire and suture wire cutting scissors.
219- SUTURE NEEDLE Used to insert the suture wire into the skin after each tie.
220- SUTURE WIRE CUTTING SCISSORS Used to cut stitches out of the skin.
221- LEUR LOCK SYRINGE Syringe used to attach a needle by twisting it on and giving a vaccine.
225- TOURNIQUET Used to cut off blood supply, so the veins will rise.