Nixon and Carter The Conservative Backlash meets the Peanut Farmer
Nixon’s Conservative Backlash wins in Inflation, rising prices, and funding for Great Society, cost of living tripled. Stagnant economy (Stagflation) and an unpopular war. Nixon “Vietnamizes” the war in (540,000 troops) My Lai and the Cambodia attacks create a negative image and protests.
First Term and Re-election Twenty-sixth Amendment 18) Détente (better relations with China and the Soviet Union), SALT, and Henry Kissinger (national security advisor). 1972 Democrat George McGovern was a liberal dove alienated the working class. With a “peace is at hand” statement, Nixon won with a landslide in 72: 520 electoral votes to 17.
Watergate and Impeachment Nixon’s paranoia led him to create the “Plumbers” unit of CREEP. June 17, 1972 five men arrested in Democratic headquarters with “bugging” equipment. Secretive, unethical, unlawful use of FBI, CIA, IRS, the enemies list, Vice President Agnew, and many resignations. Gerald Ford is appointed Vice President. The White House tapes, impeachment, resignation on August 8, Ford takes oath as the first un- elected President.
Re-election and Detente
Another End to the War! Secret bombings in Cambodia against Pol Pot and his regime. 1975 North Vietnamese move South and take over South Vietnam. Evacuation of remaining US citizens and 140,000 S. Vietnamese. Later some 500,000 S. Vietnamese arrive in the US 56,000 U.S. deaths, 300,000 injuries, and $118 billion.
Mr. Carter Bicentennial election with Ford (R) versus Carter (D). Carter won with a narrow victory. Positive diplomacy: peace between Israel and Egypt (Camp David Accords), canal ownership to Panama, and relations open with Soviets (Helsinki Accords). Negative diplomacy: Cuban/Soviet troops in Africa, US supported Iranian government overthrown, SALT II talks halted because of Khomeini and the anti-American Muslims attack on the US embassy (hostages), Soviets attack Afghanistan (Soviet’s Vietnam).
Jimmy Carter