2996 Deaths 10 Billion infrastructure damage Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq 2001 Letter to America support of Israel, attacks in Somalia, atrocities in Chechnya, authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, oppression in Kashmir The presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia sanctions against Iraq
Hijackers, 15 Saudi, 2 Emiratis, 1 Jordan, 1 Egypt Flight 11 and 175 Boston to La hit WTC Flight 77 DC to LA hit Pentagon Flight 93 Newark to SF crashed in Shanksville US airspace closed NATO take up air border security patrols “The Pet Goat”
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Architect of 9-11 plan 1996 Formed 1998 by University Students in Hamburg Germany Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi Ramzi bin al-Shibh Chance meeting with al Qaeda agent Training in Afghanistan, chosen for 9-11 mission Enroll in flight training schools in US The 20 th hijacker
From Lebanon Wealthy, secular background Aysel Şengün "I did what I was supposed to do" and "You ought to be very proud, because it is an honor and you will see the result and everybody will be happy"
Attacks denounced Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of Hamas, Yusuf al- Qaradawi, Taliban Candlelight vigils in Iran and Pakistan, Russia
Mass of volunteers travel to NY “American Muslims utterly condemn the vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.” Falwell, "pagans, abortionists, feminists, the gays and the lesbians. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen” Increase in Hate Crimes
Department of Homeland Security Patriot Act Expanded law enforcement powers related to search and seizure, Increased power of financial regulation, Increased border security and immigration authority The Terrorism Narrative and US foreign relations Politicalisation of Terrorism Who is a terrorist?
US demand Taliban give up bin Laden NATO and allied invasion October 2001 Civilian deaths 19,013 Allied 14,859 Taliban 20,000 – 35,000 No significant peace established Bilateral Security Agreement US combat troops withdraw 2014.
The 2001 shoe bomb plot Library Tower in LA, 2003 Brooklyn Bridge in New York City 2004 Financial buildings plot, IMF, World Bankm NYSE 2004 Columbus Shopping Mall Bombing 2006 Sears Tower 2007 Fort Dix attack 2007 JFK airport New York Subway Bombing Plot 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt
Abbotabad Pakistan 1.3 Kilometers from Pakistan Military Academy Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, 2 May 2011 SEAL Team 6, Stealth helicopters 38 minutes on the ground
Has the War on Terror created greater instability? Axis of Evil, ‘With us or against us’ Polarization of the international system Politically useful as a narrative to oppress domestic resistance. Justification of international intervention Gulf War II