Internship at The Dennis Group LLC Kristin Walsh ’08 Architectural Studies Integrative Project
The Dennis Group LLC The Dennis Group is a design, architectural planning, engineering, and construction management company in Springfield, MA. During the summer of 2007 I worked as an architectural drafting intern and office assistant. I began the internship through the CELS program and upon completion of my required hours I was hired as a full-time intern.
What Kind of Work do They do? The Dennis Group specializes in food manufacturing processes and facilities. They take projects from the initial design phase through the entire process of planning, and construction management. This was great for my experience because I was able to see in one company all of the aspects of the building process work together. I learned which departments were responsible for each aspect of the final product as well as how they interact with each other to get the job done.
Company Profile Established: 1987 Established: 1987 Employees: 120 Employees: 120 Locations: Springfield, MA Locations: Springfield, MA Salt Lake City, UT San Diego, CA Wheaton, IL Toronto, ON Construction Volume: $150-$200 MM per year Construction Volume: $150-$200 MM per year
Position: Architectural Intern As an architectural intern I was responsible for the production and revision of design-development and construction documents, soliciting and receiving subcontractor pricing proposals, processing submittals and requests for information, preparing permit drawings, and researching materials and product specifications. Have no idea what I’m talking about? I didn’t either at the beginning of the summer! I learned an extraordinary amount in a short time through my hard work and the patient guidance of everyone at the company. They want hard workers but they are willing to teach you anything that you are willing to take the time to learn.
Daily Routine Each intern in the architecture department is assigned to a principal architect. In the morning interns report to architect who goes over the tasks for the day and thoroughly explain procedures. The architects are extremely patient and very willing to teach. Most tasks involved drafting on AutoCAD LT, researching product specifications, and consulting with clients. Interns are expected to work on their own and accept responsibility. However, there are many employees around who are always willing to offer guidance and advice.
Skills Learned in… Over the course of the summer I developed many important skills, including the use of Auto CAD LT and MS Excel. I learned how to draw the elevations and floor plans according to company code. I perfected my phone and research skills by consulting with companies and zoning contractors to determine building codes. I went into the internship with minimal CAD skill and came out feeling extremely confident. There were many times throughout the summer when I needed work on one or all of these skills. During these times other interns or employees became wonderful resources. Other times I was allowed to break from my work to study the CAD tutorial book or otherwise spend time researching my own questions and teaching myself.
Red Sox Game The company has many benefits for employees including annual Red Sox games at Fenway Park! This was a great way for me to get to know my coworkers and make friends in the company as well as talk with people from various departments about their jobs and graduate school suggestions.
Summer Outing 2007 The summer outing is one of the most anticipated events at the Dennis Group. Family and friends come together for a day of recreation and relaxation at the end of every July.
Recommendation I highly recommend the Dennis Group to future interns from Connecticut College. It was a wonderful place to work, learn, and experience professional life. Every employee at the Dennis Group is committed to their work and the development of the company. This attitude is contagious and creates an environment that is welcoming and encouraging to interns.
Contact Head Architect: Chris Siart Head Architect: Chris Siart Phone: Phone: This contact is for the Springfield, MA, office. Contact information for the other locations can be found on the Dennis Group website: