September 11, 2001
Events leading up to 9/11- 1 st WTC bombing in ‘93
‘95 – Oklahoma City Bombing
‘98 Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania
2000 bombing of USS Cole
What Happened? 4 planes are hijacked by terrorists American Airline Flight 11 & United Airlines Flight 175 take off from Boston American Airlines Flight 77 leaves from Washington, DC United Airlines Flight 93 takes off from Newark, NJ
World Trade Center Both towers were hit by planes Both towers collapsed 2,603 confirmed dead in NYC Sps&feature=related
PENTAGON At 9:38 Flight 77 hits the Pentagon Fortunately, the portion of the Pentagon hit was under construction Only 125 Pentagon employees die
United Flight 93 This flight was believed to be headed for the White House It did not reach its target The passengers on the plane were believed to have fought back The plane crashed in Shanksville, Penn
Who is Responsible? Al Qaeda claims responsibility Osama bin Laden is believed to be the leader All members have a deep hatred for the United States
Connection to US In 1979, the USSR invaded Afghanistan Osama bin Laden led a fight against the invaders Islamic fighters from all over the world went to Afghanistan to fight for bin Laden
US & Osama bin Laden US Government supported bin Laden & his fighters The US gave bin Laden weapons & intelligence to fight against the USSR After the USSR withdraws from Afghanistan, we cut off bin Laden
Bin Laden Turns on US In 1990, the US government sent our military to Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia asked for assistance to protect them from Saddam Hussein The US military was now near the holiest places for the Muslim religion.
WHY? Osama bin Laden wants all Western influence out of the Middle East Wants the religion of Islam to control all governments Vowed revenge after the US brought its military to Saudi Arabia He is not sponsored by a country!
Al Qaeda They want a “Holy War” between Muslims & the rest of the world Carries out terrorist attacks against US & its allies throughout the world
Other Areas Attacked by al Qaeda
US Response US government decided to respond using its military US military ordered the Taliban of Afghanistan to turn over Osama bin Laden The Taliban refused & the US invaded
Afghanistan US military sent roughly 30,000 troops into Afghanistan Goal was to look for bin Laden The Taliban was over thrown tPL8&feature=related
Iraq Pres. Bush tries to convince Americans that there was a link between Iraq & 9/11 Claims that Saddam Hussein & Osama bin Laden are planning an attack on the US None of the claims prove to be true
WAR ON TERROR The US will continue to fight against extremist groups around the world Bin Laden was killed by US forces inside of Pakistan Will al Qaeda attack the US again? fq8zs&feature=related
In Memory……
Fighting Terrorism at Home Bush and Congress created the Department of Homeland Security. After 9/11 the nation experienced another type of terrorist threat: deliberate anthrax poisoning. The crisis was limited to a handful of specific locations, but it alarmed the American people. The White House proposed the USA PATRIOT Act, which made it easier for law enforcement to secretly collect information about suspected terrorists. Critics claimed this act gave law enforcement too much power and posed a threat to basic freedoms.
War in Iraq Bush declared a war on terror and listed Iraq as a possible foe. Iraq was to destroy its weapons of mass destruction after the Gulf War and allow UN weapons inspectors inside the country. Although Iraq allowed weapons inspections following 9/11, Bush insisted that Iraq had failed to account for weapons it was known to have possessed after the Persian Gulf War. Many of America’s longtime allies advised against going to war, but Bush insisted that Iraq was a threat and invaded Iraq in March 2003.
Results of the Iraqi War Within a month, Saddam’s regime fell and Saddam was captured within the year. American forces remained in Iraq to help keep order and train a new Iraqi security force. Terrorists continued to take a terrible toll on American soldiers and Iraqi citizens. Bush faced criticism when no weapons of mass destruction were found. However, he was re-elected and made clear that U.S. forces would remain in Iraq for as long as necessary to ensure peace and order there.