February 5, 2015 Dmitriy Yavid, Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Presented here are basic estimates, based on elementary physics, public information and common sense. Should not be construed as actionable engineering analysis or design guide Contain no confidential information Assume delivery of 500 W of power to an UAV similar to Bird Eye 650, via either photovoltaic conversion or thermal engine Presented at the request of Dr. Arie Lavie and Dr. Avner Sharon, with a goal of facilitating future R&D projects on the title subject
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Conversion efficiency ~40% 1250 W of optical power is needed to provide 500 W mechanical power Max. power density on PV panels ~6 kW/m^2 0.2 m^2 of PV area minimum is needed Difficult to get uniform light distribution across the panel: practically, should be ~0.5 m^2 to accept Gaussian beam Panel weight ~1 kg, assuming 1 mm thickness with support structures and wiring Light falling off the panel will be lost: real efficiency down to perhaps 30…35% Electric motor has its own weight and losses too
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Optimization of material for a single wavelength Electrodes configuration: denser electrodes reduce electric losses and increase optical losses Optimization of size and shape: larger panel – more light collected, but more weight too Angle of incidence: oblique angles reduce the PV efficiency, but increase the horizontal range of UAV. Some surface optics may be helpful PV Panel cooling: efficiency drops if temperature not optimal Adaptive electronic control of working point on V-I curve
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Max Thrust: 5.5 lbs Engine Weight: 0.8 lbs Diameter: 2.34“ Length: 7“ RPM Range: 85,000 to 245,000 Max Temp: 690C Fuel Rate at Full Power: 3 fl oz per minute Modeled on P20-SX: one of the smallest commercially- available turbojets
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Based on simple power model – see next slide P20-SX can theoretically deliver ~16 kW, at 29% efficiency Scaled for 500 W, would be: ◦ ~2 cm diameter, ~6 cm long, weigh ~12 g Realistically, though: ◦ Thermal efficiency usually drops with size: hard to contain heat ◦ A gearhead would be needed to drive a propeller from the turbine (jet is not efficient at low speed) ◦ Still needs optical collector, albeit much smaller than PV panels ◦ Perhaps, ~100 g engine with ~20 % efficiency can be hoped for
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Type of the engine: turbine is not the only option Heat exchanger material: higher temperature improves the efficiency and reduces the size Heat distribution: non-uniformity leads to efficiency loss and/or burnouts Thermal Isolation: improves efficiency and protects other parts of UAV from extreme heat Bearings and other mechanical parts: typically, don’t scale down well, may be oversized
Broad Shoulder Consulting LLC Electronics, Mechanics, Optics, Software Photovoltaic conversion is a tried and trusted way to generate electric power No fundamental issues: just good engineering is needed Thermal engine is a novel concept, which needs more development and may not work at all Thermal engine promises considerably smaller size and weight Photovoltaic conversion will probably have somewhat higher efficiency