Your Role Identify the rights and responsibilities of a citizen Differentiate between public and civil laws Taxes and current world issues
Citizen Is a person who formally owes allegiance to a government Both rights and responsibilities go with citizenship The laws are to protect your rights You also are responsible to obey these laws
Citizens Have the right to be informed about laws Have the right to provide input into decisions made by local, state and federal governments
Citizens Have the responsibility to pay taxes Tax money is used to provide public services Fire, police, education and highway maintenance
Immigrants Citizens of another country Under this status they have the responsbilities of a citizen including paying taxes and obeying the law
Voting The right to vote is one of the most important rights of a US citizen Enables you to elect leaders at all three levels of government Local State National
Registering to Vote At age 18 you are eligible to register to vote You must meet a residency requirement Must have lived in the state and county for 30 days
Federal Law Lawmaking bodies are called legislatures At the federal level the US Congress is a legislature that makes federal laws For instance, there are federal laws against spying, airplane hijacking, mail fraud
State Laws Include laws against robbery, drunken driving, murder, and shoplifting
Local Usually called ordinances Zoning regulations, building codes and curfews
Public Law Include four types Constitutional Criminal Administrative International
Constitutional Law Refer to the basic laws of the nation
Criminal Punishment for those break the law Misdemeanor is considered less serious and may be punished by a fine or short prison time Violations are acts that violate or break local ordinance-litering
International/ Administrative International are laws that govern interactions with other countries Administrative govern the duties and powers of the highest office of each level of government
Civil Law Rights in relation to other people Divorce Child custody Inheritances Personal injuries
Contracts A mutual agreement between two consenting people Contracts are made between two parties who sign a written agreement willingly Most states you must be 18 or have a parent
Torts A wrongful act committed agains another person is called a tort Injury to another persons body, emotional well being, reputation, property or business
Defamation Spreading lies that harm another person, also called slander
Battery Is the use of force resulting in physical contact with a person that the other did not permit
Assult To cause physical harm to a person
The court system Is used to try those who have broken criminal laws and to assign punishment 2 court systems exist State and Federal
Trial Courts The first court at the state level that hears cases A jury is a group of citizens who are selected to help decide guilty or innocent
Small Claims Court Only small amounts of money are involved If you take the case to court you are the plaintiff. The person you are accusing of wrong doing is the defendant
Obtaining a Lawyer Getting a divorce Buying or selling real estate Writing or signing a major contract Writing a will Being sued
Paying Taxes Government funds used to help pay for services Public schools, welfare programs, healthcare, police and fire, etc.
Income based taxes Social Security and Medicare These funds are used to provide benefits to older retired citizens
Employer paid taxes Funds offset the costs of unemployment benefits