Charles Jacobson International Trade Advisor 27 March 2014
UKTI and support to help you grow internationally
Why explore global markets? Increase productivity Enhance competitiveness Improve resilience – reduce dependency on home market Extend product lifespan Develop a Global Perspective But Companies need the confidence, skill and capacity Product or service must be suitable for Export markets. And how do you know where to start
The World is Full of New Ideas
Why explore global markets? Increase productivity Enhance competitiveness Improve resilience – reduce dependency on home market Extend product lifespan Improve profitability But Companies need the confidence, skill and capacity Product or service must be suitable for Export markets. And how do you know where to start
We are not a Global Village
Confidence – Am I doing the Right Thing?
Support Available from UKTI Information – Websites and Seminars UKTI Website. Country market and Sector Pages Business opportunity briefings on the website Ongoing range of events and workshops – such as Export Week 7-11 April 2014 Other events and training courses through UKTI, HMRC and North West Chambers Advice General exporting advice available from International Trade Advisors, commercial officers and specialist advisors through to more comprehensive support programmes Access Support for trade missions overseas, for primary research in overseas markets and for companies exhibiting at international trade shows.
Export Week 7-11 April 2014
Support Available from UKTI Information – Websites and Seminars UKTI Website. Country market and Sector Pages Business opportunity briefings on the website Ongoing range of events and workshops – such as Export Week May Other events and training courses through UKTI, HMRC and North West Chambers Advice General exporting advice available from International Trade Advisors, commercial officers and specialist advisors through to more comprehensive support programmes Access Support for trade missions overseas, for primary research in overseas markets and for companies exhibiting at international trade shows.
Support Available from UKTI
Making the Links Access the UKTI website Register to receive opportunities Find out about events & trade missions Register for the NW monthly e-newsletter vices/ukti-newsletter Connect on LinkedIn Follow-us on Twitter
Making the Links Access the UKTI website Register to receive opportunities Find out about events & trade missions Register for the NW monthly e-newsletter vices/ukti-newsletter Connect on LinkedIn Follow-us on Twitter
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