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Presentation transcript:


NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 1WORKSHOP ON APPPC SURVEILLANCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA 2 JUNE JUNE APPPC BANGKOK Objective: The workshop will develop plant health surveillance analysis, reporting and mapping skills and will incorporate the delivery of a surveillance information management reporting tools. It is expected that the workshop will promote national surveillance data management and reporting capabilities as well as the capacity in implementation of ISPM 6. Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 2APPPC/NAPPO JOINT WORKSHOP ON ISPM 15 : REGULATION OF WOOD PACKAGING MATERIAL IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE BEIJING, CHINA 10 JUNE JUNE APPPC BANGKOK - 15 countries participation The workshop covered the following topics: 1.Principles of Plant Quarantine 2.ISPM 15 in the International Context 3.ISPM 15 – Practical guidance for Implementation 4.Country Experiences in Implementing ISPM 15 5.Constraints in Developing Countries in Implementation of ISPM 15 Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED Capacity Building in the Region 2014 Recommendations to the CPM: Workshop participants agreed to encourage their NPPO representatives to CPM to propose consideration of the following: 1.The CPM should provide documentation to contracting parties indicating that the authority for proper use of the mark including the symbol has been transferred to NPPOs. 2. Revision to the standard should consider the addition of security elements which provide additional traceability to treatment such as date stamps, serial numbers, etc. 3. Consideration of an international workshop on ISPM 15 to improve harmonised implementation and compliance 4. The development of a harmonised format and electronic exchange system on the IPP for the transfer and receipt of the notification of non-compliance

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 4WORKSHOP ON PLANT HEALTH AND PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM 8 SEPT SEPT BETTER TRAINING FOR SAFER FOOD (INITIATIVE OF THE EU) General objectives: 1.To enhance the understanding of participants on EU legislation to protect against the introduction into and spread within the EU organisms harmful to plants or plants products, the principles of plant quarantine and the understanding of ISPM standards; 2.Better understanding of these principles should lead ASEAN Member States to be better prepared for the upcoming economic integration of the region which agricultural commodities will also be traded with lesser restriction than before. It should also lead these regions to exercise quarantine practices consistent with international standards which will effectively prevent the introduction of harmful organisms and have minimal impact on trade at the same time. Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED Specific objectives: 1.To update participants on the last development of EU Plant Health legislation(s) and provide guidance on good agriculture practices and Integrated Pest Management which could serve as guidance document for the regions.; 2.In addition the workshop will address phytosanitary certificates and residues of plant protection products which are a main cause of rejection at EU Border. Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 515 TH APPPC REGIONAL WORKSHOP/ IPPC WORKSHOP ON REVIEW OF DRAFT ISPMs BUSAN, REPUBLIC OF KOREA 15 SEPT SEPT th workshop hosted by the Republic of Korea. Draft International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment ( ) draft standard on International movement of seeds ( ). Amendments to ISPM 5: Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms draft standard on Phytosanitary procedures for Fruit Fly (Tephritidae) management ( ) Dradt International movement of wood ( ). Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATI ONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 6STANDARDS AND TRADE DEVELOPMENT FACILITY WORKSHOP TO PREPARE A PROJECT PROPOSAL - Information Systems for Surveillance and Pest Reporting KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA 14 OCT OCT STDF / AUSTRALIA IN COLLABORATI ON WITH: DOA MALAYSIA Workshop originated in discussions within the IPPC Capacity Development Committee in 2012 Malaysian and Australian Departments of Agriculture prepared a successful proposal to the STDF for a small grant – to enable preparation of a proposal for large, multi-country, ‘demonstration’ project Large project would support surveillance, information management and pest reporting Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED Capacity Building in the Region 2014 Objectives: Identify and discuss needs, existing systems (IT and other) and perceived constraints. Enable presentations on available applications, systems and strategies. Develop outline of proposal for a large project to implement recommended surveillance, IT solutions and strategies in a selection of countries.

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 7APPPC WORKSHOP ON BUILDING UNDERSTANDING AND PREPAREDNESS FOR ELECTRONIC PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATION BANGKOK, THAILAND 28 OCT OCT APPPC This event was one of the implementation activities of the APPPC work plan, which highlights implementation of ISPMs esp. ISPM 6, 12, 14 & 15 Objectives of the workshop : 1.To assist the regions NPPO’s gain an understanding of ePhyto concepts and the future implications of these developments for the member countries Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED Objectives of the workshop : 2. To help members countries enhance their understanding and preparedness for ePhyto in regulatory and technical issues thr’ the updates on development of harmonization of phyytosanitary certification & opportunities for electronic data exchange and focused on issues including capacity development requirements 3. To share’s country’s status on the use of hard copy certificates & systems developed to use electronic certificates in their countries as well as success, challenges, and emerging issues. 4. To identify gaps and challenges in the development of ePhyto certification and areas of collaboration Out come of a number of recommendations were proposed on possible follow up actions to countries, APPPC, the IPPC Steering Group on ePhyto and the CPM - To create an APPPC working group on ePhyto to coordinate the action plan in the region and lead by Australia with participation of several countries. Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATION S (DAYS) SPONSORED 7APPPC THIRD REGIONAL EXPERTISE TRAINING WORKSHOP ON PEST SURVEILLANCE Phnom Penh, Cambodia 11 Nov Nov trainees from 5 countrie6 APPPC Project “Support to Capacity Development in Implementation of Plant Pest Surveillance and Information Management in Southeast Asian Countries” GCP /RAS/286/ROK Objectives of the workshop : 1. To focus on technical and practical survey and identification on “fungi” and specific knowledge and skills of participants on “fungi” pest surveillance, identification in lab practices as well as their operational skills in handling the laboratory equipment Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 8EXPERT CONSULTATION ON PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS FOR BACTROCERA DORSALIS COMPLEX OKINAWA, JAPAN 1 DEC DEC IPPC Objectives: 1.Provide a forum for phytosanitary treatments researchers from around the world to discuss and share the scientific and practical issues related to the development of fruit fly treatments to control pest species within the B. dorsalis complex and determine an acceptable common approach; 2.Identify phytosanitary treatments for pest species within the B. dorsalis complex used nationally or regionally; 3.Provide a forum for phytosanitary treatment experts to understand the constraints with developing fruit fly treatments and identify common methods to address these constraints. Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED Expected outputs of the meeting: 1.A list of approved (by NPPO or RPPO) phytosanitary treatments used to control pest species within the Bactrocera dorsalis complex; 2.Agreement on a common approach to the development of fruit fly phytosanitary treatments, including methodologies, statistical analyses, carrying out confirmatory trials, evaluating and submitting a plan for future collaboration among all involved in the consultation; 3.A joint peer reviewed paper on the development of phytosanitary treatments for fruit flies. Capacity Building in the Region 2014

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 9Regional Seminar – Workshop on Harmonizing Method in Risk Analysis of Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS) in Forestry in SEA SEAMEO BIOTROP Bogor, Indonesia 2 DEC DEC FAO, Bangkok and SEAMEO BIOTROP Objectives: 1.To bring about consensus among the participants in adopting more harmonized methods in assessing and managing the risk of IAPS in forest of SEA. 2.To assess the current status of risk assessment and management of IAPS in member’ countries forest ecosystem 3.To identify current best practise as well as challenges towards establishing common understanding and consensus to harmonize and strengthen collaborative efforts among SEA countries to minimize, if not control, the spread and damage of IAPS Capacity Building in the Region 2014

Status of the work programmem of APPPC until 2014 A planning working group meeting on APPPC work plan for A meeting was held in second week of June 2014 in Beijing, China Training workshop on diagnostics of SALB of rubber in Brazil Postponed to Organized by Malaysia, in collaboration with NPPO of Brazil and IRDB Malaysia

NOCOURSE/ WORKSHOP/ MEETING VENUEDATE START DATE END DURATIONS (DAYS) SPONSORED 10Training workshop on Biosecurity Implementation of South American Leaf Blight of Rubber in APPPC region Bangkok, Thailand12 January January APPPC Overall objective : To enhanced the capacity building on the protection of SALB in the APPPC region Specific objectives: 1.To train and establish core group in implementing the SALB PRA and Standard in rubber growing countries of the APPPC region 2.To gather feedback on the use of SALB reference materials for the country training and status on translation to local languageg 3. To harmonise and standardize the collection of SALB surveilliance data base on ISPM 6, maintaining Pest Free Area as in ISPM 4 and sharing with APPPC rubber growing countries thr’ p-tracker in fulfilling the pest reporting obligation 4. To provide the opportunity for participants officers to share knowledge and gain expertise from the experts in the field Capacity Building in the Region 2014

Thank you for your attention