1 Sector LA-LB State Region 9 RRT Meeting APR 2012 to JUN 2012
2 By the Numbers APR 2012 to JUN 2012 No Panga Cases $42, Spent on 04 Federal Projects 02 NOV’s Issued 10 LOW’s Issued 127 NRC Reports Received 29 Mystery Sheens 11 reported incidents from the Offshore Platforms (some within limitations)
4 S/V RONIN 5APR2012
5 Situation: Potential 200 gallon discharge S/V RONIN was accidentally sunk after a fire started on board the vessel. The vessel burned to the bottom of the ocean after its operator managed to escape. The potential environmental threat existing from the fuel on board was 200 gallons.
7 After having maintenance performed on the starboard engine of the vessel, the M/V Pacific Pearl leaked 15 of the 250 gallons of diesel fuel into the waters of Marina Del Rey, CA. A Notice of Violation was issued in the amount of $ Gallon Potential
8 Containment Hard boom was set up by LA County to protect against the threat of environmental and property damage from the diesel sheen from the Pacific Pearl.
9 PLATFORM ELLY 09MAY2012 During exploratory diving operations it was discovered that the overflow pipeline in Platform Elly in Huntington Beach, CA had a 3 in. crack. Approximately 2-3 gallons were leaking from this crack every day. The total product leaked was approximately 25 gallons of mixed crude oil/ condensed natural liquid/ produced water.
11 A helicopter over flight was conducted with no sheen sightings found.
12 14” OVERFLOW LINE AT EMERGENCY SUMP 14” line, this is the one with the leak. Ties in to emergency sump at 120’ This is another overflow line, 8” as shown on p&id, enters emergency sump at -90’ There is also a 12” line that enters at - 20’ which is on the other side of this picture. The other lines entering the top of the emergency sump are the sump pump, an air line drain, and our level alarms and controls. There is also a vent line, which goes to our vent pole.
13 Actions & Enforcement Platform Elly Sector LA-LB worked alongside with BSEE (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) to ensure the pipeline was properly repaired. A Letter of Warning was issued to the platform.
14 Z Big 1 16MAY2012
Gallon Potential A non-propelled container barge, Z Big 1, was being towed when it collided with the CA Fish and Game patrol boat Garibaldi. The skeg from Z BIG 1 punctured a hole on the Garibaldi's engine compartment, on the water line amidship. The fuel tanks are located at the stern of the vessel. The incident did not puncture any fuel compartments and no oil leaks were observed.
16 Enforcement No enforcement action was taken because there was no actual oil discharge into the water.