Well, when it comes to buying and selling of used houses we have to keep in mind that the market is really volatile. You can never exactly know what feature can increase the price of your property to which extent. If you are thinking about installing a French drain in your basement before reselling it, it does mean that you bought it without a French drain, and there is chances that even someone else will also buy it without a French drain. However, even if you can sell your property without having a French drain in the basement, it is always a good option to install French drain if your basement is flooded with water frequently, in order to ensure the best for your house.
First let us take a look at what a French drain is. A French drain is a vital part of the basement drainage system which collects the water and then expels it to a basin with the help of a sump pump. In a typical basement the French drain pipes are installed around the perimeter of the basement and the continuous drain is linked with a sump pump which automatically expels the water outside when the level of water in the sump pit reaches a particular level. French drain makes the primary part in the basement waterproofing system and if you want to have your basement in a dry condition throughout the year or if you are planning to modify it for regular usage so that you can enjoy more living space, installing French drain in the basement is indispensable.
There is one more crucial reason for installing a French drain in the basement. In case the water in your basement stands for long it is sure to harm the construction of your house over time. It can even flow away the soil from under the construction, making it weak at the base. Standing of water in your basement can also cause problems of mold and fungus that is sure to spread even to the ground floor of your house with time. So, by installing a proper drainage system to your basement, you can avert all these problems even before they occur, and this is why installing a French drain in your basement is considered as a wise investment.
However, if you have been living in a house without a French drain in the basement and now you are considering the aspect of installing a French drain only because it might add something to the resell value of the house, then from the resell point of view it might not be such a beneficial decision. Installing a French drain in your basement by appointing a renowned contractor can be expensive, depending on the size of your basement. Having French drain in your basement will surely add to its reselling value, but it might not be more or equal to that of what you will have to spend for it, particularly if you have a huge basement. On the other hand, if you install a French drain in the basement it will be surely considered as a plus point for the resell of the property and you are sure to get better customers. If you are currently living in the house, and have plans to sell it after 2-5 years or more, then installing a French drain in the basement can be a real wise choice because it will make you able to use your basement and will also ensure the best condition of the house, saving you from many unnecessary repairing expenses.