Fish Demand Fish Supply One billion people rely on fish as it contributes an estimated 50 percent the protein they need. As the world population grows, so will the fish protein’s demand. The global protein demand grew by 16.5 million tons between 2006 and The fish protein demand is expected to rise by 20% by This disparity is likely to get worse as the world's population without correct intervention. Source: Time for Action Protect this essential food supply for out next generations. We can make industrial and local fishing be more sustainable by implementing reforms Solutions Enforce sustainable fishing limits. This helps ensure there will be enough fish left to repopulate. Create protected areas that helps fish reproduce unharmed from all fishing means. 100% observer coverage and proper monitoring. By controlling the type and number of vessels, we can further prevent the depletion of fish populations.
What is Echolocation? Echolocation, also known as bio sonar, is the biological sonar used by animals to locate and identify objects. It is the production and utilizing of sound waves for communication. How Does it Work? In deep ocean where light cannot penetrate, navigation is made easy using ultra-high frequency sounds called “pings”. Pings, or echoes, must be loud enough for it to bounce back to the sender and short enough so that the ping returns before the next wave is sent out. The shape of the returning echo creates a 3D image and determines how the sender “see” its surroundings Dolphins send out sound waves that sound like a click and bounces back when hits an object.
Mati City has been always known with its Beaches. Foreigners visiting the city to enjoy its beautiful beaches. Dahican also being one of the most popular destinations in Mati and becoming a favourite for skim boarders and surfers. Pajuda Bay boasting its 15,700 species of sea life. It is considered as one of the richest bays in Southeast Asia. Locals help preserve the diversity of marine life, as such, protecting animals like dolphins, hammerhead sharks, manta rays, bottlenose, sea cows (Dugong), lobsters, and different kinds of turtles. Scuba diving can also be experienced here. Among the species that live in the Pajuda Bay are these two jelly fishes*. With the protection from the localities and help from government, Pajuda Bay will remain prosperous and abundant in marine life. Through proclamation No. 431 on the 31 st of July 1994, the bay has been declared a marine protected area; known as the Pajuda Bay Protected Seascape by President Fidel Ramos. The bay covers 21,200 hectares (52,000 acres). There are 25 genera of hard and soft corals that can be found here. The most adundant corals belong to the genera is Acropora, Montipora, and Porites. Also, 9 out of 16 sea grasses species recognized in and can be found in the Philippines can be found in the Pajuda Bay. (all photos are taken in Mati City) *these jelly fishes were released right after observing their behaviour Elevated view of Pajuda Bay