31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen1/24 诸葛亮 Zhuge, Liang (AD 181 – 234) 料事如神 Predict events like god
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen2/24 借东风 Borrow the east wind (for) 火烧赤壁 Fire attacking at Chibi
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen3/24 诸葛亮 Zhuge, Liang Weather forecast? Magic to borrow east wind from the sky? Divination? Estimation and prediction? Wizard? Meteorologist?
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen4/24 Automated 3D scan multi-view registration based on rotation estimation Huaxin Wang, Joris S. M. Vergeest, Yu Song, Tjamme Wiegers CADE, Department Design Engineering, Faculty Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen5/24 1.Problem Background 2.Theoretical Principle 3.Experiment Results 4.Conclusions Outline
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen6/24 Virtual Environment Physical product model A 3D freeform shape design problem ?
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen7/24 3D scanning experiment Object 3D scanner Computer
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen8/24 Registration of 3D Scan Multi View Slices
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen9/24 1.Problem Background 2.Theoretical Principle 3.Experiment Results 4.Conclusions
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen10/24 11 (a) (b) S1S1 z y x a1a1 S2S2 z y x a1a1 a2a2 S0S0 2 2 The consecutive scan and registration of surfaces TS 0 = S 1
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen11/24 事后诸葛亮 A Zhuge Liang after the event!
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen12/24 TS 0 = S 1 (2a) (1) (2b) t = [t x, t y, t z ] T
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen13/24 Effective rotation and translation in the registration procedure O (a) A B S0S0 O’ (a’) B’ S’ 1 r r’ t C S1S1 c t a = t n + t t (4) O’C = c = ½ |t| /tan( /2) (k t)/| k t |(3a) r = c + t/2(3b)
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen14/24 1.Problem Background 2.Theoretical Principle 3.Experiment Results 4.Conclusions
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen15/24 Verify extraction accuracy StepIdeal (deg)Extracted (deg) b) Axis StepIdealExtracted 1(0, 1, 0) ( , , ) 2(0, 1, 0) ( , , ) 3(0, 1, 0) ( , , ) a) Angle
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen16/24 i rotation angle average scan steps aa i axis angle average scan steps a) Rotation angle and average angle (degree) b) The angle (degree) between the estimated approximate rotation axis and the first axis, and the average Approximate rotation axes for manual rotation on table
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen17/24 Physical model Scanned views Automatic global registration without our methodAutomatic sequential registration w/o our methodAutomatic registration with our method
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen18/24 Horizontal rotation axis Vertical rotation axis Change of rotation axis to scan the whole surface θ i Change rotation axis
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen19/24 Complete surface registration and rotation axes without pre-rotation scan steps after pre-rotation i Rotation angle of registration without pre-rotation (upper line) and after pre-rotation (lower line), (arrow points to region of rotation axis change)
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen20/24 1.Problem Background 2.Theoretical Principle 3.Experiment Results 4.Conclusions
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen21/24 1.Automatic for more cases 2.No rotation tracking hardware 3.Texture image remained intact Advantages
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen22/24 1.Difficult for handheld 2.Difficult to insert patch scans 3.Cumulative error – fix with global registration Limitations
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen23/24 1.Combined with feature based matching? 2.Criterion for successful registration? Possible Extensions
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen24/24 Joris Vergeest, Dr. Original ideas and research guidance Project Funding Synthetic Environments for Industrial Design, Integrated Product Creation and Realization, Innovation Oriented Research Program, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands Reviewers Valuable comments and suggestions Acknowledgments
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen25/24 Thank you! Questions please? Huaxin Wang Tel: , Fax: Room 10-3A-30, CADE, DE, IDE, TU Delft, Landbergstraat 15, 2628CE, Delft, The Netherlands
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen26/24
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen27/24 Requirements Market Ideas Conceptual Design Detailed Design PrototypingInternal Testing Production External Testing User Experiences User Centered Design Process Current Practice Industrial Design Process User Involved Domains Engineer Involved Domains Marketing Involved Domains Designer Involved Domains
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen28/24 Integrated Tools Synthetic Environment Users Designers Engineers Managements Marketing
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen29/24 Synthetic Environment Users Engineers Designers Managements Marketing Communication Medium for Design Concepts
31 Jan. 2007WSCG 2007, Plzen30/24 Project Background Ministry of Economic Affairs, NL IOP: Innovation Oriented Research Innovatie gerichte Onderzoeks Programma IPCR: Integrated Product Creation and Realization Integrale Product Creatie en –Realisatie Synthetic Environments INDES Industrial design service Researchers PANAlytical Industrial instruments R&D Thales Security equipments R&D Industrial Partners User Committee University of Twente Faculty of Behavioral Sciences Dept. of Cognitive Science and Ergonomics University of Twente Faculty of Engineering Technology Dept. of Design, Production and Management Delft University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Dept. of Design Engineering Computer Aided Design Engineering