1 AGILE 2012 Avignon 25/04/2012 From 2D Maps to 3D Geoservices: Evolving Model of NMAs and Related Research Issues Jean-Philippe Lagrange IGN-France & EuroSDR
2 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data collection Highly and often heavy specialised instrumentation Which required skilled and trained workers Data collection mostly limited to national agencies
3 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data capture
4 Computerized processes Firstly, digital data, vector or raster Many changes in mapping / geographic information Map making
5 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data storage
6 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data storage Cumulated archive until 2007: 50 Tb Data archived in Tb Tb Tb Tb Tb (exp.)
7 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data distribution
8 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data distribution Until 2007: Only delivery based on physical media (CDs, DVDs, HDs) Now growing percentage of delivery based on downloading of data sets Starting in summer 2012: More and more data flows (WMS, GML,…)
9 Many changes in mapping / geographic information But still a computerised classical process Sequential process from stereoplotting to distribution Well suited for mass production Most often layered modelling: Coverages, overlay techniques,… Map printing approach Data producers issue data to data users Quality control processes made easier Issue of fitness for use
10 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Many more stakeholders Local authorities contract out GI collection Regions: Orthoimagery, high resolution DTMs of specific aeras, road data… Big cities: High resolution orthoimagery, 3D models, urban specific data Decentralised state authorities too High resolution DTMs Dozens of data exchange Mous Lidar data on specific areas (~10-15 / year) A few orthoimage coverages of départements (~3 / year) → Growing workload related with quality control
11 Many changes in mapping / geographic information Data creation/update: Volunteered GI
12 A new context for "mapping agencies" Common to most agencies Still a need for research related with data capture, management, distribution (at large), and data exchange And a new model which is emerging: From a sequential and one-way process Data capture Map Creation Data Set consolidation Distribution To loops in a more distributed system Data capture Change detection Data consolidation VGI
13 Linking National Mapping and Cadastral agencies with Research Institutes and Universities EuroSDR Members of EuroSDR are – National Mapping & Cadastral Agencies, – Research Institutes 2 delegates per country - 1 from academia, - 1 from NMCA Delegates from production and research working together
14 EuroSDR approach In view of optimizing the provision of reference information in a Geoinformation Infrastructure context
15 Members from Sixteen Countries Scientific Commissions Sensors, Primary data acquisition and Georeferencing Image Analysis and Information Extraction Production Systems and Processes Data Specifications Network Services Two Working Groups Education Standards INSPIRE Spatial Data Interest Community EuroSDR
16 Approx Research Activities at any time Official Publications Annual Distance e-learning courses – for professional development and up-skilling Two general meetings per year (+ Workshops and projects’ meetings) – Research planning and management – Keynote presentations – Focused discussions –best practice sharing EuroSDR
17 Unconventional Platforms for Remote Sensing EuroDAC2 – Certification of airborne digital cameras Medium Format Digital Cameras - performance Radiometric Aspects of Digital Photogrammetric Images Mobile Mapping - Road Environment Mapping using Vehicle-based Laser Scanning Towards Integration of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry Image Matching for DSM production Radiometric Calibration of Laser Scanning Intensity Virtual Globes EuroSDR
18 Generalisation INSPIRE Atlas of Implementation methods Network for GI Service Testing Multiple Information Representation And Consistent Logical Environment – Enabling A Persistent Testbed for Geo Web Services - Research and Education Standards (liaison with ISO and OGC) Land Use/Land Cover change detection 3D Landscape models EuroSDR
19 Investigation and monitoring of new sensor systems and platforms Related calibration aspects, including digital aerial and satellite sensors, laser and hyper-spectral scanners, SAR sensors, Unmanned aerial vehicles, and mobile mapping systems Geometric data collection and refinement issues Sensor orientation and geo-referencing, refined image matching, Digital surface models, digital terrain models Geometric performance of multiray photogrammetry, LiDAR and airborne SAR Radiometric data processing and refinement. Absolute and relative radiometric data calibration Acquisition and update of static and moving objects Topographic vector data, DTMs and data from other objects Based on images and and other sources Merging data of several resolution and accuracy Key EuroSDR Research topics
20 From 2D cartographic databases to 3D topographic information systems Serving the needs of 3D landscape and 3D city models. All aspects of the whole spatial data chain are to be renewed: spatial modelling, acquisition, management, analysis and visualisation Process modelling and interfaces (product diversity / servicing / outsourcing) SaaS (Software as a service), PaaS (Platform as a service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) Core geoinformation databases Data modelling, metadata Currency/maintenance, changes only Industrial and crowd-sourced strategies for data revision Privacy enabling Key EuroSDR Research topics
21 Standards and open software for data and metadata. Focus on data archives Ontologies and translation services Schema translation Data integration Model generalisation, multi-resolution and multi-representation data bases Implementation strategies of INSPIRE. How should INSPIRE 2.0 look like? Generalisation, Cartographic generalisation for traditional and non-traditional displays 3D generalisation including for mobile (handheld) computing devices Delivery and data publishing mechanisms Geospatial Data Infrastructure and associated topics in Ontologies and translation services Web-services for dissemination of spatial data Data quality Integration of professionally maintained spatial data meets crowd-sourced data Key EuroSDR Research topics
22 International Terrestrial Reference Frame & Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame Improvement of vertical measurements Better geoid Permanent Geodetic Network: Real time GNSS data Geodetic & Gravimetric Reference Frameworks Needed for many professional / scientific applications
23 IGN perspective Data capture Further automation of DEM / HR DSM calculation Automated qualification Assisted editing Web services to edit data Not only 2D data But also 3D data Exploit the full potential of Lidar data Automate the integration of heterogeneous data sets in the context of big data e.g., agriculture (CAP data), vineyards, IGN topographic data,… New approaches to aerial surveys UAVs Light photogrammetric cameras Sensor networks with accurate positioning
24 IGN perspective VGI : A lot of user specific data Great in terms of fitness for use High potential for faster updates Not necessarily well suited in terms of systematic data capture Combine with reference data or try to duplicate?
25 IGN perspective Big Data Grid computing - Cloud computing Common size of computation: 2-5 Tb of input data Or several millions vector features Modelling of process flows Virtualization of data 2012: several petabytes (with redundancies) Issue of interdependencies Big data & data analysis Distributed architecture and big data NMAs = reference frame Other stakeholders= application data, more semantics (user tagging, mashups) & update info
26 Qualification of data Geometric: Against reference data? Semantic: Corroboration? Statistical ‘evidence’? Trustfulness? Accountability? Automated schema matching of qualified data Ontologies Related Web Services And still: Generalisation (fully automated, 3D,…) Space&Time modelling and visualisation IGN perspective Accessing Data & Integrating Data
27 IGN perspective Customisation of Visualisation
28 IGN perspective Visualisation with user’s data integrated From distributed data Fully Automated Map Creation
29 IGN perspective Visualisation with user’s data integrated In 3D (avalanches, urban planning regulations, …) With time dimension (e.g., floods) And for mobile devices…
30 Linking Open Data cloud diagram Linked data Not interelated data sets But GI part of interrelated knowledge chunks & Related services (discovery + access ) IGN perspective Geographic Information integrated in the Web F. Scharffe et al, AAAI workshop on semantic cities (2012)
31 Beyond “NMAs” Spatial decision / Computer aided spatial reasoning Privacy and mechanisms (not only technical) to protect privacy More and more high resolution data (at the individual level) Social networks and location Crowd sourcing And many others (see Max Craglia’s paper) This was only an IGN perspective
32 Thank you for your interest