Grid Computing 7700 Fall 2005 Course Details Gabrielle Allen
Logistics Me: Gabrielle Allen –Office hours: 1 to 3 Mon (Room 305 CCT) 1.30 to 4 Tues (Room XXX CS) –Or by appointment anytime ( ( –I also work at the Center for Computation & Technology at LSU: Contact: –IM: gridrebel (AIM)
Logistics Class Web Page – 005_7700_GridComputing/7700.htmlhttp:// 005_7700_GridComputing/7700.html Class mail list: Class Grid (Gumbo Grid): – 005_7700_GridComputing/Grid.html
Logistics TA: –Chirag Dekate Grid Support: –Archit Kulshrestha
Content and Grading Lectures and lab classes Reading, coursework (essays and programming), project Grading: –Active participation 10% –Coursework 50% –Project 40% I will give percentage marks, breakdown into grades to appear later.
Motivation As you’ll see :) Grid computing is a new area of computer science, which draws on many facets of other areas This course will give a broad overview of the field … it is a graduate course and you are expected to research and understand topics yourself. There are no good textbooks! Help me improve this course!
Getting Involved … Grid Computing research group at CCT –Research scientists: Jon MacLaren, Hartmut Kaiser, Andrei Hutanu, Zhou Lei, Rion Dooley, Archit Kulshrestha –Students: Chirag Dekate, Chongjie Zhang, Santiago Pena, Dayong Huang Projects: GridLab, UCOMS, SCOOP, GridChem, Portals Group meetings: Thursday 9am in training room of CCT, everyone welcome
My Requirements Think for yourself! Read objectively! Homework assignments: –Spelling mistakes are not acceptable –Direct copying is not acceptable, always quote and reference material from somewhere else. –Handed in work must have a cover sheet: name, , date, title, abstract –Cite references properly, if you don’t know how to do this look at a research paper. –Send all to me about this class with 7700 in the subject otherwise I won’t find it
ACM Turing Lecture Vincent Cerf and Robert Kahn –Assessing the Internet: Lessons Learned, Strategies for Evolution, and Future Possibilities –ACM 2004 Turing Award recipients /sigcomm2005/webcast.html /sigcomm2005/webcast.html Will be shown in Coates 143 at 5pm
CCT Eminent Lecture Managing Information on the Net: the Digital Object Architecture Dr. Kahn will discuss an architectural approach to managing information on the net. In particular, he will focus on applications where the information may need to be persist over very long periods of time and where it may be moved many times from site to site and platform to platform over its lifetime. An open architecture approach to federated repositories will also be discussed along with applications of the technology. Robert E. Kahn is Chairman, CEO and President of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), which he founded in 1986 after a thirteen year term at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Dr. Kahn earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Princeton University in 1962 and 1964 respectively. He worked on the Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories and then became an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT. He was responsible for the system design of the Arpanet, the first packet-switched network. In 1972 he moved to DARPA and subsequently became Director of DARPA's Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO). He is a co- inventor of the TCP/IP protocols.