“SPEAK! DECREE! DECLARE!” Book Reference The Weapons of Our Warfare Vol. III By Kenneth Scott
Speaking Death or Life Proverbs 18:21 God created man, breathed the breath of life (living soul) Breath of life = life, power, and authority of God Living soul = a speaking spirit
Rehearsing Your Script READ your script Study your script! God is the Great Author Rehearse the script Confess the script
Director says, Do you know your lines!?!
No time limit on answered prayer Matthew 7:9-11 Answered prayer in spiritual realm Ephesians 1:3 Angels job to war and deliver answered prayer Process of Prayer and Confession
What’s the hold up? God releases answered prayers to the angels Angels are met with hindrances The hold up is not God’s reluctance but opposition or flight of demonic spirits Daniel 10:12
Time in Results “Why is it that sometimes we can pray and get instant manifestation and other times, it takes longer for manifestation?” Times of war have different lengths Spirit realm has different lengths of time Some spiritual battles take longer than others
What is OUR responsibility? Faith in God’s Word Confession of God’s Word 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the fight of faith Angels fight while we pray Word of God, like a vehicle Faith is like fuel Romans 4:17-21 (read)
The Transformer God does not send physical things from heaven God sends in the spirit realm Romans 12:2 Satan desires to conform us God is saying resist Satan and become transformed into God’s image
Confession of God’s Word transforms The world is sinful and carnal The world does NOT resist conformity The Word of God is a transformer The Word processes… refines… transforms and changes things
PRAY God dispatches answer ANGEL ASSIST & the HOLY SPIRIT Spiritual Fight YOU Confess God’s Word Empower Angel
Faith and confession empowers angels Answer arrives and changes from spiritual realm to natural manifestations Proverbs 18:21 We have the ability to speak life We choose to refine or transform Lack of confessions and failure to transform… fail to possess answered prayer BEGIN A LIFE OF CONFESSION!!
Bible Characters The story of David and Goliath The story of the Twelve Spies/Joshua & Caleb The story Zachariah and the Angels Sing confessions…like the choir or Praise and Worship leader Rap your confessions like Adige’ Moan it like Sister Augustine King
Psalms 1:2 The law refers to the WORD OF GOD Meditate means “Hagah”= mutter or speak Delight in Greek “Sunedomai” = to have joy, pleasure and fellowship Joy in confessing the Word Consistency of Confession
1 Thessalonians 5:17 PRAY WITHOUT CEASING Maintain an attitude & lifestyle of continual prayer & confessions Psalm 1:2 Matthew 6:11 Jesus prayed in morning, confessed Word all day
Difference between Prayer and Confession Prayer is asking God to do… “Father, Your Word says that you would heal me of all of my sickness and diseases. So I pray therefore that you would heal me of this sickness and infirmity that is against me by Your Power.”
Prayer of Confession CONFESSION of HEALING “I confess the Word of God over my body that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ. I decree that this weapon of sickness that has been formed against my body can no longer prosper, and I speak healing and good health unto my body.”
1 st prayer – ask God for healing 2 nd confession of faith - did not ask God, but exercised their authority in God Follow Christ’s pattern of prayer –Spend quality time in His presence –Spend the day confessing His Word Matthew 16:19
Speaking the Word, binds the devil God looks for us to walk in His authority We are made in HIS image A speaking spirit, like God Speak like God, watch words come to pass SPEAK! DECREE! DECLARE! Our needs, wants & desires to ourselves
Prayer is… –Asking God to do it for you Confession is… –Exercise your authority (through faith) Healing in your finances (ex. Working Mom)
Confessions to Declare “The Lord shall not allow any disease or sickness to touch my body” –Exodus 15:26 “The Lord has commanded my body to rise, be healed, and to live” – Ezekiel 16:6 “No weapon of sickness or disease that is formed against my body shall prosper” – Isaiah 54:17
Confessions to Declare, cont. “The Lord shall remove all sickness and disease from my body.” – Deut. 7:15 “As I serve the Lord, He shall bless me, and He shall take sickness away from me.” – Ex. 23:25 “The Lord fulfills the number of my days; therefore, I shall live a long and full life.” – Ex. 23:26
Confessions to Declare, cont. “The Lord gives me power if I am weak. And if I am sick, He heals my body and gives me strength.” – Isaiah 40:29 “The Lord shall contend with (rebuke and drive out) every sickness and disease that contends with (comes against) my body”. – Isaiah 49:25 “The Lord gives me good health. He cures all of my sickness and diseases, and gives me peace. - Jeremiah 33:6
Confessions to Declare, cont. “The Word of God is health unto my body, and marrow to my bones.” – Proverbs 3:8 “Through the Holy Ghost, God has anointed me to loose the bands of wickedness, shall undo heavy burdens, to let the oppress go free, and to break every yoke. Therefore, in the name of Jesus Christ, I break this yoke of sickness from my body.” - Isaiah 58:6