ADJECTIVES AS NOUNS To avoid repetition, you can drop a noun, leaving an article and an adjective to stand for it. Quelle trousse? La rouge ou la blanche? The article and adjective standing for the noun, agree in gender and number with the noun that was dropped. Le tee-shirt bleu or le blanc? The blue tee-shirt or the white one (tee-shirt is understood in the second part of the sentence)
ADJECTIVES AS NOUNS You often drop the noun when you are talking about preferences and preferring one thing over the other. Est-ce que vous aimez la grande télé ou la petite? Do you like the big TV or the small one? J’aime la grande I like the big one (TV is implied)
EXAMPLES Tu aimes la règle jaune ou la blanche? Do you like the yellow ruler or the white one? J’ai un sac à dos gris et un rouge. I have a gray backpack and a red one. Vous achetez le cahier vert ou le violet? Are you buying a green notebook or a purple one? They’re (masc) buying a black pen and a blue one. Ils achètent un stylo noir et un bleu foncé.