French Course - Expectations Student Name: _________________________ Course - circle: French I French II French III French IV Course Period: ____________ Student Signature: ______________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ Date: _______ / ________ / _________ 1
l‘Introduction au Cours-Cell Phone Course Introduction CELL PHONE and similar media NOT ALLOWED at any time Breakage of rule: phone confiscated and delivered to the main office (principal) 2
l‘Introduction au Cours Course Grade Distribution per school policy 70% Daily Work 1) 35 % course notes 2) 35 % course management following all rules expressed in the following slides, which have been explicitly presented in class and sent home with students for parental notification NOTE: breaking item 2 will cause a failure for that particular week for daily work (70%) 30% Major projects and exams 3
l‘Introduction au Cours Work Make-up All course material may be found in instructor’s school website: If student miss class for any given reason, student is responsible for completing missed work If student does not have access to an internet browser, he or she may come to my room at 8:00 A.M., displaying a proper tutoring hall pass, to complete the missing work on tutoring days, Wednesdays or Fridays. 4
l‘Introduction au Cours-Cell Phone Course Introduction FOOD / BEVERAGES as per school policy mandated by Mr. Yzaguirre (building principal) NOT ALLOWED at any time Breakage of rule: referral to principal 5
CLASS WORK ALL lessons are posted in the course website IF NOT present in class for any reason, student is still responsible for work; therefore, obtain the missed lesson from the following site: 6
l‘Introduction au Cours-attendance Course Introduction ATTENDANCE will be taken at the start of class NOT present at that time Considered late: after 3 late arrivals, parent will be contacted NOT present in class if not in school activity, Considered absent: after 3 absences, parent will be contacted 7
l‘Introduction au Cours work at start of class AS STUDENT ENTERS CLASSROOM immediately begin to copy notes from white board NOT promptly copying material Failure to follow classroom procedure: after 3 failures, parent will be contacted Conduct grade lowered 8
l‘Introduction au Cours be prepared as you enter classroom AS STUDENT ENTERS CLASSROOM have their French notebook and three sharpened pencils/eraser or a pen NOT having the above items: after 3 failures to bring these items, parent will be contacted 9
l‘Introduction au Cours bathroom breaks EACH STUDENT IS ENTITLED TO 1 bathroom break per week DO NOT INTERRUPT the lecture to ask for permission to take the 1 bathroom break WRITE YOUR NAME in the bathroom log TAKE the hall pass LEAVE the room silently RETURN promptly NOT following the above rules: parent will be contacted 10
l‘Introduction au Cours Conduct Grade AS STUDENT ENTERS CLASSROOM full attention and participation is to be given to instructor and instructor’s directions NOT giving full attention to instructions: after 3 failures, parent will be contacted Conduct grade lowered 11
l‘Introduction au Cours Tutoring TUTORING will be offered on Wednesdays and Friday from 8:10 A.M. to 8:40 A.M. NOT participating in tutoring sessions when overall grade lower than 70%: after 3 non-attendances, parent will be contacted 12