Agenda About Me Candles Science Expectations
A Little About Me Second year at SMS From Northeast Ohio Graduated from Kent State University I have one older sister who is also a science teacher
I have two dogs: Bella Emmie
Your Turn You have 7 minutes to complete the “About Me” worksheet Answer the questions to the best of your ability Everyone has to share two answers from their paper I am collecting this!
Classroom Expectations Be Prompt, Be Prepared and Be Polite This class can be awesome if you are willing to listen and be RESPECTFUL! What annoys Miss Pinney the MOST? Talking while I am talking You will have plenty of opportunities to work with partners and in groups but if ya’ll are rude and speaking when I am all work will be silent and individual
Who you are? Whatever reputation you have leave it at the door If you have brothers and sisters I don’t care You start in this classroom with a clean slate and it is yours to mark up
Consequences Pretty Straight Forward: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Lunch Detention/Parent Contact 3. After School Detention/Office Referral Anecdotal Record Book If you continue to be disrespectful I will ask you to sign a record sheet that keeps track of your behavior You do not have to sign it
Group Work & Partner Work I love when you can collaborate with your peers to accomplish a task and get work done! However It only takes one student or group of students to ruin it for everyone I really like to have you guys work in partners or groups but it is a privilege that I give you
What will we be learning? Chemistry is the first half Physics is the second half Introduction to both Building off of what you already know Your class syllabus needs to be signed and kept in your binder
Science Fair… You will not be doing one this year unless you choose to I will not be taking a grade for it if you do the science fair WE WILL be doing another science project I have just not completed it yet
What will you need for class? Three ring binder 3-subject notebook or Two 1 subject notebooks Something to write with Pen is fine On test days you can only use pencil
SOL Will be taken in June The test was improved and made a lot harder starting last year We will be reviewing every month to prepare Covers all content from 6-8 grade 60 questions
What is Graded? Bell Work Quizzes Tests In-class Assignments Homework Projects
Assessment All your assessment information will be kept in the back of the room in folders Your information needs to be kept in these folders
Grading Scale 90%-100% = A 87%-89% = B+ 80%-86% = B 77%-79% = C+ 70%-76% = C 67%-69% = D+ 60%-66% = D 59% and below = F
What do we do every class? Every class period there will be a question on the board that you need to answer in your notebook You must write the date, question and the answer in order to earn the full 10 points I sometimes will check your bell work daily and other times I will check your entire notebook 10 points may not seem like much but it adds up since we do this every class
Every Class We will go over the daily schedule I will tell you about any important dates or upcoming events Then we will start on the days learning **Be prepared to take notes, read the textbooks and rely on your brain This is all to help better prepare you for high school
Homework… I don’t give homework on a regular basis HOWEVER: If we don’t finish something in class because some of you were ding dongs or I had to repeatedly stop and correct disrespectful behavior the unfinished work is homework
Absent? Folders on the front bulletin board will have work from when you were out They are marked Day One and Day Two so if you missed Wednesday’s class and it was a B day you would check Day Two bc we already had class on Monday
Bathroom? You have 5 passes per quarter use them wisely 8 th grade team policy: NO AGENDA=NO LEAVING CLASS
Good Behavior Assuming I remember…every week one standout student from each class has the option to sit at my desk if he or she chooses The student can sit there multiple times just not back to back Sucking up will not help you I also love giving out candy
Mice Luna, Juno and Tuesday You are not allowed to touch them, poke their cage, open their cage, etc They are living creatures NOT toys to be played with!
Take out a piece of paper You can share a half piece if you need to Write down your observations What do you see? What senses are you using to make your observations? What are these objects?
Science Answer the questions on the paper that I handed out How do you use something that scientists created on a daily basis?