February 9, : :35 Connect2Learn Website LSR7 School District #r7metc Presentation
It’s About the Learning Agenda Introduction of Panel Members The Full Roadmap of a Successful 1:1 Initiative Infrastructure Decisions that were made and why How to Best Support Administrators, Teachers, Staff, and Students
It’s About the Learning Lee’s Summit R-7 Schools 18 Elementary Schools 3 Middle Schools 3 High Schools Summit Technology Academy Alternative Schools 17,800 students
It’s About the Learning C2L Implementation Overview Increasing Student Access Board Action Item Financial - 4 year Dell lease ~17,850 Chromebooks in 2 weeks
C2L Measurement Data
C2L Digital Learning Plan and Support
It’s About the Learning Starting with School Leadership Creating the “trickle down” effect to spread excitement about technology integration. Example Presentation ●Year long plan of PD for all elementary administrators ●Range of topics ○SAMR ○Google Apps ○Social Media ○Digital Citizenship ●Great setup for building level support
It’s About the Learning Our District and Instructional Technology Department, partnered with Advanced Learning to provide instructional development and coaching to a select group of elementary, secondary and middle school teachers from each building in the district. This group was called a Teacher Cohort.Advanced Learning Teacher Resources
Fall Institute Full day of training facilitated by Advanced Learning Coaches. Training Goals Identify the key elements student centered instruction Introduced to a variety of tools, websites, etc. that could be used to enhance their instruction. Cohort Teachers set SMART goals for the year (specific, measurable, attainable, results- driven, timebound) Planned a schedule for coaches to visit their school The Coaching Process 2 coaching sessions per cohort member Coaching Choices Co-teach or model Co-teach or do it on your own Do it on your own After the last coaching visit cohort teachers are encouraged to share lesson with other teachers. Elementary Google Group Lesson Template Check these resources out! Henrico21Henrico21 - Exemplary 21st Century lesson and projects LSR7ITSLSR7ITS - Instructional Technology Website
Chromebook Camp DriveDocs SheetsForms Slides DriveGmail Calendar Smart Notebook 285 Certified and Classified Staff Attended/62 Sessions Offered
Engage Student Learning with Google Tools Using Chromebooks in the Classroom to Enhance Instruction Engaging Learners Using Interactive Tools Collaborating with Technology Quick and Easy Tech Tools to Demonstrate Learning Genius Hour for Teachers
Student Examples #R7C2L#R7C2L
February 9, : :35 Connect2Learn Website LSR7 School District #r7metc Presentation