Office of Improvement and Innovation Jo Hannah Ward, Director Office of Improvement and Innovation
ESEA Waiver District Support Statuses
School Labels
School Support Categories Differentiated Accountability System
Priority School Criteria Lowest 5% in overall achievement <60% Graduation rate School Turnaround Model
Priority School Support Transformation Specialist Ohio Improvement Process Decision Framework to inform School Improvement Plan Professional learning/Coaching School Improvement Diagnostic Review
New Priority School Interventions Implement the Ohio Improvement Process Choose one of five Turnaround Models by May 2016 Implement Turnaround Model in school year
Returning Priority School Interventions Develop and implement building level improvement plan Continue to Implement the OIP Implement Literacy Strategies for Elementary Schools
Returning Priority School Interventions College and Career Readiness Strategies for Middle and High School Increase monitoring of Turnaround Intervention components: Recruiting and retaining highly effective teachers and leaders.
Focus School Criteria Largest achievement gaps in student performance and graduation rates Largest gap between the state’s All Students group and one or more subgroups A high school that has one of Ohio’s largest subgroup gaps in graduation
Focus School Criteria Largest achievement gaps in student performance and graduation rates. Schools making less progress than the state as a whole. Receives Title 1 Funds
Build internal capacity to support OIP implementation Assign internal facilitators Participate in professional development Support and monitor district and school implementation
ODE 16 SSTs External Facilitators Internal Facilitators District Teams Building Teams Teacher Teams State System of Support
Watch Schools Replaces old “Alert” status Different criteria to get on this list Watch Criteria Title 1 Schools with a D or F on AMO grade for 2 of 3 most recent years Schools that receive funding for special student groups (Gifted, SWD, LEP, Economic Disadvantage) and do not show satisfactory achievement and progress with those students
Watch School Support Watch Support Schools are identified in TWO different ways: 1.ESEA Watch Schools - Title 1 monies -Have a D or F on the AMO report card measure 2. State Watch Schools -Identified using the provisions in section of ORC - Title 1 or non Title 1 Schools that received state funding designated to serve specific subgroups - 1 or more of those subgroups did not show progress
Support Schools
Contact Jo Hannah Ward, Director Office of Improvement and Innovation