Discover your Superstar Formula™ Module 4 Finding your Secret Sauce
Modules 1 – 3 Review Module 1: Connecting with Your Passions Module 2: Identifying Your Strengths Module 3: Defining your Unique Value 3
Your Unique Personality and Style 4
5 Declare your Superstar Formula
Your Unique Personality and Style 7
“People will pay for Clarity, Substance and Style!” Marie Forleo, Rich, Happy and Hot B-School”
Your Unique Personality and Style Write out all of the roles you have ever been in your life Write out all of the roles you would love to be or fantasize to be (or have fantasized about) List all of your unique quirks, traits, characteristics, idiosyncrasies Look at the 3 lists that you have created. How does List # 3 (quirks, traits and characteristics) support the roles in Lists # 1 and 2. Using a colourful pen or highlighter - Circle the top 10 traits or characteristics that stand out for you Identify and circle 4 – 6 roles that represent the core of who you are Brainstorm ways these roles could be weaved into your business 9
Creating a Freedom Board “To Depict and lead me to my Desired Future”
Creating your Freedom Board – Check List Large piece of Bristol Board or Foam Core Board At least 10 magazines that contain topics and images that resonate with you Glue Stick Pair of Scissors Miscellaneous art supplies such as glitter, stars, stickers (optional) A friend or colleague to participate with you (optional but highly encouraged) Carve out 3 – 4 hours (ideally an evening during the week or afternoon on the weekend) Set up on a large table with lots of space Bring your favourite beverage and play your favourite music 11
Creating a Freedom Board Step 1 – Choosing the Images Rip out images that resonate and make you go oooooh, aaah, whoa 12
Creating a Freedom Board Step 2 – Putting it together Choose the images that resonate the most, cut them into shape and organize them on your board Start Gluing Them! Find a title (put on top or bottom of Board) 13
Creating a Freedom Board Step 3 – What did you create? What are the themes that come to mind when you look at your Freedom Board? List on a blank piece of paper. Take these themes and distill them into one sentence or words. Post your Freedom Board on a wall of your home office or somewhere you will be able to look at it on a daily basis. Post your sentence or 1 – 3 words below the Freedom Board. The theme from your Freedom Board will become part of your Superstar Formula. 14
15 Clarify your Superstar Formula
Identifying Patterns and Themes Take out the next 3 pieces pages of the worksheet. They are titled “Passions”, “Strengths”, and “Value” Go back to Module 1 – 100 Things I want to Be, Do and Have – circle items them could potentially be weaved into your business. Re-write on worksheet titled “Passions” Write out your core Passions on the Page titled “Passions” Write out your Core Strengths on the Page titled “Strengths” Write out the key elements of the Unique Value you provide on the Page titled “Value” Look for synergies and commonalities between these 3 pages - Circle them with a highlighter Journal key themes and insights 16
Putting it all Together Circle your Top 10 Passions Circle your Top 5 to 10 Strengths Circle the Top 5 to 10 ways you add the most Value Copy all of the elements you have identified into the appropriate space of the Superstar Formula worksheet Copy the 4 to 6 unique Roles in the box at the bottom of the worksheet Write the core theme from your Freedom Board 17
19 Congratulations!
How you can use your Superstar Formula Map out your ideal service and product offerings Formulate your “secret sauce” for your unique customer experience Define your Unique Value Proposition that articulates what you do, the value you bring and is the basis of all sales and marketing messages Create the perfect consulting or coaching business uniquely aligned to you 20
1:1 Coaching Session
Dream Business Mapping Session
Engage in a Dream Business Brainstorm Clarify the “features and elements” of how you want to work Map out the scope of your service and product offerings Create your ideal Business Model outlining various income streams Define your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) Confirm your target customer and get aligned around next steps 23
To learn more or sign up now: 24
Declare Your Superstar Formula! Please post comments, insights or “aha’s” from this module on Dream Business Facebook Page. Declare Your Superstar Formula! Post copies around your home Be well and live your dream! 25