Tourism - A mixed blessing?
Why do tourist destinations have to managed to ensure sustainability? Problems created by tourism Benefits created by tourism
How can tourism be managed to ensure sustainability? In pairs come up with as many ways as you can think of to ensure tourism is sustainable – your own ideas or policies you already know about.
Tourism operated in a world of finite resources where the impact is becoming of increasing concern. Only 5% of the world’s population have ever travelled by plane. Environmental groups are keen to make people aware of their ‘destination footprint’. (environmental impact caused by an individual tourist on a particular destination). They are urging people to: –Fly less and stay longer –Carbon-offset their flights. –Consider ‘slow travel’ – consider their impact in the long term – every other holiday in own country.
1. Ecotourism A special form of tourism where people experience relatively untouched natural environments such as coral reefs and ensure their presence does not further damage the environment. Eg Jamaica Ecuador – completed later.
2. Protected Areas World’s first National Park at Yellowstone in 1872 – now over 1000 world wide. Also world heritage sites, areas of outstanding national beauty etc. Why are there differences of opinion in the uses of these areas? Clear distinction made between preservation and conservation: –Preservation – maintaining a location exactly as it is and not allowing development. –Conservation - Allows for developments that do not damage the character of a destination.
Watch the following movie about the Peak District National Park – write down facts and figures to form a mini-case study.
3. Tourist Hubs Concentrate tourism and its impact in one particular area so that the majority of the region or country feels little negative impacts of the industry. Eg Cancun – Mexico, Benidorm – Spain. Problems – Difficult to contain tourism. people want to explore the non-tourist enclaves and number of tourists increases – therefore increasing number of hotels etc needed.
4. Quotas Seen to be one of the best remedies. Number of visitors would not be allowed to exceed a sustainable level. Eg – Inca Trail in Peru.
Socio-economic Environmental
Managing tourism involves reducing inputs (e.g. energy, water) and reducing harmful outputs (air pollution) but also ensuring flows in the system are efficient (transport). Go through sheet and highlight the issues associated with managing tourism.
Sustainable Tourism in Ecuador
Create a case study about sustainable development in Ecuador. Some suggested headings: Economic importance. Tourist attractions Approaches to sustainability – El Pbutano Delos Buitres. Tourist Attractions – Galapagos Islands Problems identified in Galapogos.
Homework… Research another aspect of Ecotourism – anywhere in the world. 5 interesting facts to be given at beginning of next lesson. Practice Exam Question Due Friday!