Project Planning Ag. Engineering
1. Sharp Lead Pencil First item needed for the highest quality drawing Used to draw good quality lines
2. Protractor Used to draw and measure angles
3. Good Eraser Helps make corrections without distorting the image
4. 12 Inch Ruler Will work for basic drawing
5.Compass Used for drawing circles and arches
B. For more detailed plans
1. Drawing Board Drawing tool to which your drawing paper is attached.
2. Masking Tape Used to attach the paper to the drawing board.
3. T Square Used to draw horizontal lines
4. Right Triangle Used to draw vertical lines (30 degrees x 60 degrees x 40 degrees)
Handle with Care To ensure that the equipment is in a condition to provide accurate measurements
5. Scale An instrument with all increments shortened according to proportion.
a. Two basic types 1.Flat Scale - Looks similar to a ruler.
2. Triangular Scale Three sides, but six scales.
A. Basics of Drawing in Ag. Mechanics
1. Sketch Rough drawing of an idea or object. Does have dimensions included.
2. Pictorial Drawing Shows all three dimensions at once.
A.Front view B.Side or end view C.Top view
3. Scale Drawing Represents an object in exact proportion although the object is larger or smaller than the drawing itself.
Scale Will vary depending on the size of the object being drawn
Scale If the scale is ¼’’ = 1”, ¼” on the drawing would equal 1” on the actual object
Scale A 2” line on the drawing would equal 8’ on the object 2 divided by ¼ = 8
1” = 1’ If the project is 4 feet long the drawing is 4 inches long
Full Scale The drawing is exactly the size of the object being drawn
B. Determining Materials Ag. Mechanics
1. Bill of Materials List and description of all the materials to be used in constructing a project.
Board Foot Measure of wood equal to 144 inches 2. BF is abbreviation for board foot
Formula for BF 3.BF = thickness (inches) x width (inches) x length (inches) / 144
Large Pieces 4.BF = thickness (inches) x width (inches) x length (feet) /12
5. Examples a.4”x 6” x 24”5761BF b.1”x12”x8’ 96 8BF12
1.Nailing Fastest way to fasten wood. Nail hammer or nail gun are the preferred tools.
2. Screws Holds better than nails. Driven quickly by a power screwdriver.
3. Bolts Fasten wood at high stress joints.
a.Gluing The strongest method of fastening wood Often used with nails or screws
b. Clamps Boards are held in place for gluing by clamps. Bar clamps are one type of clamp.
5. Dowel Pins Round wood pins sometimes used to strengthen wood joints.
Dowel pins
B. Metal Projects in Ag. Mechanics
1.Steel Most commonly used metal in agricultural projects.
2. Pencil Marks Do not generally show up well on steel.
3. Soapstone Soft, gray rock that is cut into thin pieces resembling pencils. Shows up well on steel.
4.Hacksaw Hand tool most often used for cutting metal. Especially useful for cutting thin conduit.
Metal Cutting 5. Metal cutting band saws and power hacksaws may be used for large projects.
Planer Cuts lumber down to an exact size and leaves it smooth. (Add to notes)
Project Planning