Registration 2015 Class of 2018 Jillian
What are we talking about today? Review: Graduation Requirements Ace Worksheets – what credits do you already have? Course Selection Process Teacher Recommendations AP/Dual Enrollment Elective Selection Q & A Goals: Understand how to accurately read your ACE worksheet to find important information Learn how to accurately complete your course card
Pop Quiz! How many credits do you need to graduate (not including 18 credit ACCEL plan)? A. 21 B. 24 C. 20 D. 26 ANSWER: 24 How many online courses do you have to take for graduation? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 ANSWER: 1
How many math credits do you need to graduate? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 ANSWER: 4 How many science credits do you need to graduate? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 ANSWER: 3 Which tests do you have to pass to graduate? A. Algebra 1 EOC B. Biology EOC C. FSA English Language Arts D. Both A and C E. All of the above ANSWER: Both A and C (Algebra 1 EOC & FSA ELA) What GPA do you need to graduate? A. 1.5 B. 2.0 C. 2.5 D. 3.0 ANSWER: 2.0
Graduation Requirements
Academic (ACE) Worksheets Learning Goal: Understand how to accurately read your ACE Worksheets to locate important information Make sure all information (name, address, etc.) is correct GPA: Unweighted (State) vs. Weighted (Local) Weighted includes Honors/AP classes Unweighted must be 2.0 to earn a diploma Class Rank Testing Requirements Credits Needed vs. Credits Earned
Activity Directions Get into groups of 2 or 3 Work together to fill out worksheet You do NOT have to share your personal information with anyone else! Just work with your group members to locate the information. Raise your hand if you have questions or concerns – I will walk around to answer them. When you are finished, please help those around you or wait quietly for everyone to finish.
Credit Recovery Can replace an F or a D by retaking a class Night School (Adult Education) Summer School Online Courses (FLVS or Pasco eSchool) If you failed an elective, you can take any elective to replace the class (must take online)
AP vs. Dual Enrollment Advanced Placement (AP) Must take exam to earn college credit Will earn HS credit the same way you would with any other class Grades do not go on college transcript Dual Enrollment (DE) Earn college credit while earning HS credit All grades go on your permanent college transcript Requirements: 3.0 GPA Must take PERT test at PHSC (Reading: 106, Writing: 103, Math: 123) – Must take all sections AP and DE classes are weighted 1 point (A = 5.0, B = 4.0, C = 3.0, etc.)
Academies & Programs Information TechnologyMedicalCulinary IT Academy: You should take Intro to Information Technology before taking Web Design, Digital Design, or Networking. Medical Academy: If you are currently in Medical Skills and are interested in earning your EMR or CNA license, then sign up for Health Science 1 for next year. If you are not currently in Medical Skills but are interested in the academy, talk to Mrs. Davis in Room Culinary: It is highly recommended that you take Nutrition and Wellness and Principles of Food Preparation before taking Culinary 1 in junior year.
Registration Learning Goal: Learn how to accurately complete your course card Core Classes – Will be recommended by your current teachers (Talk to your teachers if you have concerns) History classes will be selected by your English teacher Electives We are now offering Digital Art Imaging 2 (Creative Photo 2). If you’ve passed Digital Art Imaging 1, you can take 2 next year. Cannot take a class twice – don’t sign up for something you’ve already taken! NO SCHEDULE CHANGES – choose electives you want to be in, and list plenty of alternatives
Important Notes If you’re in Intensive Reading this year, it will be tentatively selected for you for next year. If you score high enough on the FSA ELA, then we will move you out of the course and place you into one of your elective choices. Please fill in ALL slots for electives. Wiregrass will be crowded again next year and schedule changes will not happen. If you don’t know what the curriculum is in a particular class, please ask or look at the course guide on the WRHS website. Do not put a class on your course card if you do not want to take it.
Next Steps Take course card to all academic teachers Fill in all elective choices Have your parent sign your course card Turn the form into your English teacher ASAP (DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 18 th ) Note: Failure to complete the above requirements will result in you not participating in the online registration and someone (counselor or administrator) will be picking your classes for you during the summer.
Quiz Time! Who selects your core classes? A. You B. Your parents C. Your current teachers Answer: C Do your parents have to sign your course card? A. Yes B. No Answer: A When is your course card due? A. February 17 th B. February 18 th C. February 20 th Answer: B