Work Styles A Tool For Communication & Collaboration The Driver The Expressive The Amiable The Analytical
Have any of these thoughts or questions ever come to mind whenever you’ve had to work in a group or team situation? How come he just sits there whenever we try to discuss ideas? Why do we always have to do what she wants? Oh, we’ve gone over that point a million times, why doesn’t he get it? Doesn’t this guy ever sit still? I think I’m doing all the work. I hate working in groups!
People (adults and children alike) think, learn and work differently. Some of it’s personality-based. Some of it’s brain-based. Does that sound familiar? In order to understand how others think, learn and work, you must first understand more about yourself.
Right BrainLeft Brain Brain Thinking Characteristics
Work Styles Developed by Boeing, the Workstyles Profile Inventory helps people understand their distinct manner of working within a group. Some people always seem to take the lead, develop work strategies almost immediately, come up with ideas on the spot, are generally very focused, aggressive, and sometimes loud. Some people almost never take the lead, are detail oriented, dogged, quiet and prefer to work alone. Others tend to be social, are very outgoing, are delegators of responsibilities, dreamers, and visionaries. And there are those who you may not always hear, but you know will get the job done, quietly, patiently, and without a lot of fanfare. There are four distinct work styles, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
The Driver The Expressive The Amiable The Analytical “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” --Stephen Covey
Work Styles Profile For each set of descriptive words, check the word or phrase that is most like you. In order to understand how others think, learn and work, you must first understand more about yourself.
Scoring Your Profile 1.Count the number of “ones”. Write the number in the tally box. Do the same with numbers two, three, and four. 2.On each scale, draw a line through the number on the bar that corresponds with your total number. 3.Shade the space on the bar up to the end line. In order to understand how others think, learn and work, you must first understand more about yourself.
What Are You? O NES T WOS T HREES F OURS In order to understand how others think, learn and work, you must first understand more about yourself.
Stuff You Should Know About O NES The Driver AKA: The Doer, The Command Specialist action oriented decisive a problem solver direct assertive demanding a risk taker forceful adventuresome competitive self-reliant independent determined an agitator results oriented Verbal/Vocal Behaviors faster more statements louder monotone uses facts/data Nonverbal Behaviors points at others direct eye contact closed hands rigid posture
The Expressive AKA: The Intuitor, The Social Specialist Verbal/Vocal Behaviors faster more statements louder voice inflection uses opinions/stories Nonverbal Behaviors points at others direct eye contact open palms casual posture animated expression verbal motivating enthusiastic gregarious convincing emotional impulsive generous influential charming confident inspiring dramatic optimistic animated Stuff You Should Know About T WOS
The Amiable AKA: The Feeler, The Relationship Specialist Verbal/Vocal Behaviors slower few statements softer voice inflection focuses on people uses opinions/stories Nonverbal Behaviors hands relaxed indirect eye contact casual posture animated expression Stuff You Should Know About T HREES patient loyal sympathetic a team person relaxed mature organized questioning supportive stable considerate empathetic persevering trusting congenial
The Analytical AKA: The Thinker, The Technical Specialist Verbal/Vocal Behaviors slower few statements softer monotone focuses on task uses facts/data Nonverbal Behaviors leans back when talking indirect eye contact rigid posture controlled expression Stuff You Should Know About F OURS diplomatic accurate conscientious a fact finder systematic logical conventional analytical sensitive controlled orderly precise disciplined cautious
Group Profile Activity 15 – 20 Minutes Develop your Group Style Profile Discuss and record: How We Help A Team How We Might Hinder A Team How We Might Be Misperceived Identify or create a song, slogan or poem that captures the essence of your work style Nominate a group presenter There are four distinct work styles, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
Work Styles There are four distinct work styles, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The Driver. The Expressive. The Amiable. The Analytical. Understand and value the work style diversity that exists within the team See that every style makes valuable contributions to teamwork Realize that everyone has the responsibility to “fill in the gaps” that may exist on a team
When working with others, remember: The Driver The Expressive The Amiable The Analytical A strength overused is a weakness!