1 Financial Reporting ETA 9130 TAA-CCCT Grants January 31, 2013
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Learning Objectives Describe the basic financial reporting requirements for your grant Name the financial reporting system used for your grant and how to access system Describe the difference between obligations and accrued expenditures Identify unallowable costs for TAACCCT grants List where to report financial information on the ETA-9130 form Understand data integrity
Basic Financial Reporting Requirements DOL Regulations – 29 CFR – 29 CFR Grant Agreement Specifications
ETA-9130 Reporting Basics BASIS - Accrual FREQUENCY – Quarterly DUE – 45 Days after quarter end for ALL ETA Programs
ETA-9130 Reporting Basics Final Quarterly Report – Due 45 days after grant end or expiration of funds (whichever comes first) Closeout Report – Due 90 days after grant end (triggered by DOL acceptance of Final Report) Transmission Method – ETA on-line reporting system
11 On-Line Reporting System E-Grants Program-specific software with required data elements provided to grantees Pop-up instructions embedded for quick and easy reference
12 Accessing Reporting System Follow instructions in Execution letter or as otherwise provided by ETA Provide requested reporting contact information An is sent to primary contact with password and PIN
13 On-Line Reporting Password issued to access system PIN issued to certify data Instructions link provides information on how to use system
14 On-Line Reporting Mandatory quarterly submission Modifications can be made requiring re-certification of report After 2 quarters of data are accepted by Federal Project Officer, 1 st of 2 quarters will lock
15 Reporting Contacts Initial Contact – Federal Project Officer On-Line Reporting System – -Shantay Logan – Password and PIN –
16 Accrual Accounting What Does It Mean? Transactions are recognized in accounting period in which they occur Revenue is recognized when received or earned Expense is recognized when incurred – May be cash disbursement – May be delivery of goods/services
17 Accrual Reporting Why? Required for ALL ETA programs Provides more reliable data Cash basis understates true spending Failure to report on accrual basis may result in loss of funds
18 “Definitions” TEGL: Issued May 27, 2011 Definitions of key financial terms – Disbursements, expenditures and obligations
19 Types of Accrued Costs Salaries of employees Travel expenses Rental costs
20 Salaries of Employees Obligation – When salaries are earned Including related items Retirement fund contributions, etc. Accrued expenditure – When the salaries are earned – When the services rendered Simultaneous recording
21 Travel Expenses Obligation – Travel actually performed – Ticket purchased – Not issuance of travel authorization Accrued expenditure – Travel actually performed – Ticket purchased Simultaneous recording
22 Rental Costs Obligations – Lease agreement signed – Amount = maximum payment for termination Not entire lease amount Accrued Expenditure – As service is provided Space is occupied – Maybe paid in advance
23 What are NOT Accruals? Obligations for which goods or services have NOT been received Orders placed for which goods or services have NOT been received or paid Performance contracts in which benchmarks have NOT been achieved Encumbrances – neither an obligation nor accrued expenditure
24 NOTE ALL accrued expenditures are obligations BUT NOT ALL obligations are accrued expenditures
25 Reminder – Unallowable Costs Costs of other grant programs Interest, fines & penalties Contingency reserves Donations and contributions Real property purchase/ construction
26 The ETA 9130 Modified from the SF 425 Required of all ETA programs
27 The ETA Consortiums For consortium grants, consortium lead compiles and reports costs incurred for all consortium members.
28 Federal Cash 10.a. Cash Receipts – Tied to PMS drawdowns, Pre-entered – PMS draw amount appears above 10a 10.b. Cash Disbursements – checks, cash 10.c. Cash on Hand – 10.a. minus 10.b. – Automatic calculation
29 Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance 10.d. Total Federal Funds Authorized – Grant award Pre-entered for most ETA grants for first reporting quarter 10.e. Federal Share of Expenditures – ACCRUED expenditure
30 Goods and services received but not yet paid for (Accruals) Cash Disbursements (Expenditures) Accrued Expenditures – Line 10e PLUS
31 Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance 10.f. Total Administrative Expenditures – That portion of 10.e.(expenditures) attributable to administrative costs – Limited 10% of total grant award as specified in grant agreement – Provides ability to assess compliance with administrative limitation
32 Administrative Costs Defined at 20 CFR Can be: – Personnel – Non-personnel – Direct – Indirect List of specific functions Allocable portion of necessary and reasonable costs NOT related to the direct provision of services NOT the same as Administration costs under F&A
33 Administrative Costs under TAACCCT General Administrative functions and coordination of functions – Accounting – Audit resolution – Financial and cash management – Payroll functions – Purchasing Costs of goods and services required for administrative functions – Office supplies – Rental and maintenance of office space Costs of information systems related t admin functions – Personnel – Procurement – Purchasing – Accounting and payroll Awards to vendors that are solely for the performance of administrative functions
34 Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance 10.g. Federal Unliquidated Obligations -Obligations for which accrued expenditure has not yet been incurred. -Do not include any amount that has been reported on Lines 10e or 10f. 10.h.Total Federal Obligations -10.e.(Expend.) plus 10.g.(Unliquid. Oblig.) -Automatic calculation 10.i. Unobligated Balance of Federal funds - 10d.(Authorized) minus 10.h.(Obligations)
36 Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance 10.i. Unobligated Balance of Federal funds - 10d.(Authorized) minus 10.h.(Obligations) - Automatic calculation
37 Recipient Share (Match & Leverage) 10.j. Total Recipient Share Required – Leave blank. No match requirement. 10.k. Recipient Share of Expenditures – Non-DOL/non-Federal expenditures incurred for purposes of subject grant Leveraged resources Actual expenditures only. Not planned expenditures or amount of funds donated but not spent.
38 Recipient Share 10.l. Recipient Share of Unliquidated Obligations – Accrued expenditure has not yet been incurred. – Do not include any amount reported on Line 10k. 10.m. Total Recipient Obligations – 10.k.(expend.) plus 10.l.(unliquid. oblig.) – Automatic calculation
39 Recipient Share 10.n. Remaining Recipient Share to Be Provided – 10.j.(zero) minus 10.m.(obligated) – Automatic calculation
40 Program Income Reporting 10.o. Total Fed. Program Income Earned – Production of curriculum – Sale of products to non-Federal organizations 10.p. Program Income Expended 10.q. Unexpended Program Income – Line 10o (Earned) – Line 10p (Expended) – Automatic calculation
41 Program Income Addition Method – for all ETA programs Must be earned as result of allowable grant activity Added to grant to further eligible program objectives Notify your FPO if you feel your grant may be generating program income
42 Additional Expenditure Data Required 11.a. Other Federal Funds Expended
43 Data Sources for Financial Reporting Accounting system Accrual worksheets to convert from cash to accrual reporting Consortium member reports
44 Data Integrity Grantees are in charge of data Incomplete or erroneous data and/or late submittal of reports impacts ETA’s financial credibility Further funding for ETA programs is contingent upon expending this year’s funds this year
45 Questions??
46 Resources and Training