Environment of the nEDM experiment at PSI Jochen Krempel Institute for Particle Physics ETH Zürich , Ascona1
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Outline External environment constraints Apparatus Thermal stabilization Active magnetic shield Passive magnetic shield B0 current source High Voltage , Ascona2
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Area map , Ascona3 nEDM (mu-metal) UCN-source Iron + heavy concrete Private street SULTAN / EDIPO Superconductor test facility 12T COMET Cyclotron for proton therapy Experimental hall (thermal gradients; daily & seasonal changes) COBRA
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Overview nEDM setup , Ascona4
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Selected modifications since RAL/Sussex/ILL Thermo-house Surrounding Field Compensation (SFC) Super Conducting Magnet Spin flipper/analyser below switch o + lower height over guide o - slits in volume o + better vacuum pumping Degaussing improved More trim coils – now 30+7 (before 8+x) More and better magnetometers (spatial + high bandwidth) See Georg Bison this afternoon and posters of Samer Afach, Malgorzata Kasprzak, Yoann Kermaidic, Hans- Christian Koch, Sybille Komposch, Michal Rawlik, Elise Wursten , Ascona5
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Thermo-house wooden construction (non magnetic) – thermal stability, acoustical noise, dust protection top floor: experiment lower floor: DAQ + control room – Individual air condition – Floors can be separated (up to now we did not - for simplified access) mounted separated from experiment – (avoid vibration coupling) performance will come later , Ascona6
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ SFC - part I 6 rectangular coils 6m * 8m, 20 windings 10 x 3 axis Fluxgate sensors earth field compensation / sultan field compensation gradient compensation not yet fully possible (lack of number of coils) static stabilisation over time – Pair wise – using inverse matrix Sensor selection , Ascona7
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ SFC – part 2 Use many ( ) sensors Pseudo inverse matrix Tikhonov regularization , Ascona8 Afach et al., J. Appl. Phys. 116, (2014)
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ SFC – part 3 >5x shielding s of real perturbations , Ascona9 Improve short time (5Hz) Add coils Afach et al., J. Appl. Phys. 116, (2014)
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Degaussing / Idealization , Ascona10 By Allard Schnabel
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Degaussing vs Temperature , Ascona11
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Degaussing vs Temperature , Ascona K 0.15Hz 40 pT +2000pT/K (upper limit)
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Mu-metal vs Temperature , Ascona13 0.2K 0.06Hz 20 pT +100pT/K (lower limit) -Mu of mu-metal (flux return) -Seebeck effect
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ B vs Temperature , Ascona14 By Elise Wursten Sun h30 - Tue, h air 0.4 outside (no air conditioning) 0.7 vacuum tank 1.0 mu-metal 2 nd layer 0.15K 70 pT +500pT/K Air flux of air condition will be optimised soon.
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ B0 current source , Ascona Since s 10^4s 0.1pT 1pT Current measurement certainly at its limit Indication from Cesium sensors that current source might be limiting
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Effect on nEDM-sensitivity Despite all instabilities: we are happy, If “happy” := χ 2 of corrected Ramsey fit is close to 1 good understanding/measurement of magnetic field , Ascona16
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ High Voltage +/- 200kV bipolar HV-supply (FUG) Learning process Cs-fibres Measure leakage current (in ground electrode) – Diode as spark protection (shortcut everything above 5V) – 10^9 ohm (10nA -> 10V) Femto amplifiers (modified) + standard ADC – Typically below 2 nA – 50Hz issue temporarily solved by heavy averaging , Ascona17
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ Source: PrimeEvil at de.wikipedia Technical aspect USB -> optical RS232 or optical Ethernet (TCP/IP) – more robust (against electrical noise [sparks!]) – scalable (multiple devices on one computer) – easier to modularize better simulation / debugging possibilities , Ascona18
J. Krempel, Institute for Particle Physics, ETHZ , Ascona19 Thank you for your attention The project is partially funded by the SNF under grant numbers and