Air, Water, and Land 4 th Grade.  Pollution- anything that spreads harmful or unpleasant substances into the air, water, or ground. 


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Presentation transcript:

Air, Water, and Land 4 th Grade

 Pollution- anything that spreads harmful or unpleasant substances into the air, water, or ground.  8ju4 8ju4

 Air pollution is the contamination of the air with substances such as gas, smoke, smog, etc.  The pollutants are very dangerous to humans, animals, and plants.  Carbon dioxide is emitted out of cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities.  Air pollution can also cause diseases such as Asthma and other lung ailments.

* Let’s read more in our books on pages

 Driving cars  Wasting electricity  Smoking  Fires  Household products (paints, pesticides, etc.)  Airplanes  Burning trash and fields  Deforestation

 Car pool  Riding a bike instead of driving a car  Have factories run on certain days to reduce smog put into the air  Use public transportation  Walk  Keeping up with maintenance on cars  Emissions regulations in some states

 PZw PZw  Water pollution is when pollutants such as oil, trash, and other contaminants are put into the water.  Water pollution affects oceans, ponds, lakes, rivers, and even personal drinking supplies.  Many other countries have unclean water yet people still drink it. *Think about what we have learned about Haiti and Africa.

 Oil spills  Untreated water  Chemicals leaking from water vehicles  Chemicals used on the land  Chemicals being dumped into water  Sewage systems  Litter being dumped into water

 Conserve water—take shorter showers  Be cautious about what goes down your drain  Don’t throw litter into bodies of water  Recycle  Be cautious about what you put on the ground  Maintenance on water vehicles

 H8c H8c  Land pollution is the contamination of soil and land masses.  This can be done through human activities and industrial (factories) and agricultural (farming with pesticides) actions.  Contributors of land pollution are garbage, landfills, and chemicals.

 Every year one American produces over 3285 pounds of hazardous waste  Land pollution causes us to lose 24 billion tons of top soil every year  Americans generate 30 billion foam cups, 220 million tires and 1.8 billion disposable diapers every year  We throw away enough trash every day to fill 63,000 garbage trucks  Every day Americans throw away 1 million bushels of litter out their car window  Over 80% of items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not

 Industrial factories  Oil refineries  Human sewage  Oil and antifreeze leaking from cars  Mining  Littering  Overcrowded landfills  Deforestation  Construction debris

 Write the following common items found in landfills on your team’s index cards:  Newspaper  diaper  Styrofoam cup  aluminum  glass jar  Place the cards in the order of how long you think it will take. The item that you think will take the least amount of time will be on top.  rubber sole  plastic bag  plastic bottle  tin can  milk carton

 Newspaper – 6 weeks  milk carton – 3 months  plastic bag – years  tin can – 50 years  Styrofoam cup – 50 years  rubber sole – years  aluminum – years  plastic bottle – 450 years  diaper – 450 years  glass jar – 1 million years

 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  Buy biodegradable (breaks down) products  Don’t use pesticides  Buy products that have little packaging  DON’T LITTER!!!  No More Trash! About Us | No More TrashAbout Us | No More Trash

 Now that we have covered all three types of pollution: air, water, and land—you will complete a pollution flip book.  On the inside flaps please describe causes of each type of pollution and the options to reduce that particular type of pollution.  Please illustrate the outside cover when your information has been added.  This will be a great study tool!