URBUN DEVELOPMENT Congestion pricing in London..
Portsmouth university
Introduction. What is the solution of reducing traffic congestion ? Examples (London, Singapore). Conclusion.
Road users, quite naturally, only think of themselves when taking a trip. Their extra trip, however, imposes extra delays on thousands of drivers. The result is wasted time, wasted fuel, and unnecessary pollution, to say nothing of the other happiness-reducing aspects of traffic congestion – frayed nerves, road-rage, missed appointments.
it is useful to think of traffic congestion and the solution of this problem. There is lots of solutions for the problem for example public transport ( Buses and undergrounds ), ride a bike, etc.
1)- let's take London’s Congestion Charging Scheme (LCCS) for an example,In 2003 London introduced the Congestion Charging Scheme in the central of London all the drivers must pay £8 in the charging zone on Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm
2)-in 1970 Singapore realized the high economic growth rates it decided to reduce traffic congestion and they used the ERP charges, The interesting thing about it they had difference price according to vehicle type, time of day, and the locations.
In conclusion there is a lot of countries had these problem the traffic congestion and some of them had solved the problem as what Previous said and some of the countries try to find solution
Author, G,S (25 July 2007) Title of article. Congestion pricing: an idea that makes sense Of Newspaper. Vox. Retrieved from Parker-Pope,, Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. Vox. Retrieved from,London introduced one in 2003 Pictures : I/AAAAAAAAMF4/UeLfH7tE-VA/S1600- R/Traffic+Congestion+3.gif I/AAAAAAAAMF4/UeLfH7tE-VA/S1600- R/Traffic+Congestion+3.gif images/Education/Pix/pictures/2008/07/31/portsmouth1.j pg images/Education/Pix/pictures/2008/07/31/portsmouth1.j pg