Telescope Design Matt Watwood Phys 2062
Purpose To have the capability of photographing nebula and other deep space objects To be portable and compact enough to carry on a weekend trip To help share the sky and larger objects normally seen only from Hubble images
Basics Reflector Telescope Orion SkyView Pro 8" Equatorial Reflector Telescope Best for viewing bright deep space objects Best for photographing deep sky objects Citations in Notes
Specifications Focal Length: 1000mm Aperture: 203 mm Tube length: 38 in Tube weight: 16.5 lbs Limiting Stellar Magnitude: 14.2
Base/Controls Equatorial Mount Controlled motion for pictures Orion IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator
Eye Pieces Comes with 25mm Orion Sirius Plössl and 10mm Orion Sirius Plössl Orion HighLight Plossl 7.5mm 13mm Orion Stratus Wide-Field Eyepiece Barlow Orion 2x 3-Element Apochromatic Barlow Lens
Camera Orion StarShoot Pro V2.0 Color CCD Imaging Camera 6.1 Megapixel resolution Thermoelectric cooling and and on-board fan to reduce temperature noise with IR filter. Windows compatible software Exposure range: seconds to 9.3 hours
Filters Oxygen III Filter to see more detail in Nebulae H-alpha to eliminate light pollution and make viewing possible in more locations.
Other Pocket Sky Atlas Filter wheel Free Time Clear Nights Total Cost: Approx $2750 Unless otherwise noted, all pictures used are from