♥ Seals ♥ By Emily Venezia
Description Seals usually weigh around 1,000 pounds or less it depends what type of Seal they are Seals can be Brown, Tan, White, Gray, or Black some are a mix of colors Seals fur is fluffy to keep them warm.
Reasons why they are endangered/solutions how to fix it People destroy their habitats Pollution and fishing People should stop hunting seals People hunt seals for their fur
Fun Facts All seals are mammals Seals live in herds The gray seals are the most popular Some seals are in circus’s Seals can balance balls on their nose
Types of seals Elephant seal Fur seal Harp seal Hawaiian monk seal ☻ Leopard seal Ringed seal Weddel seal Gray seal
Pictures of seals
Skeleton Of A Seal
Bibliography Clip Art ss.com/2010/09/ball_on_nose.jpg ss.com/2010/09/ball_on_nose.jpg 4/10/0_ ee56b27f0dedfe12d e.jpg 4/10/0_ ee56b27f0dedfe12d e.jpg
♥ The End ♥