Written translations that we have in out special offer now are the professional Spanish translation.the professional Spanish translation The kinds of text that we offer our online translation and language translation services here at Zend Translation:online translationlanguage translation services
Plain text and technical texts - technical documentation, instructions and warranty certificates, tenders, websites, scientific articles, software, technical literature, etc. We achieved an engineering cooperation, which is very much needed when a translator is not an expert in technical texts. Your technical texts will be linguistically correct and will have a technical sense if the translation and proofreading if you agree to have your texts translated here at Zend Translation.Zend Translation There is a possibility of an agreement for the translation, proofreading and transcription of texts other professions and some other languages.
Your text should not be badly translated. Poor results can be hilarious, because misunderstandings, interrupt good business relationships, financial loss or human sacrifice (say badly translated instructions for machines and devices). Your text must be spelled, grammatically and lexically correct, especially if you go into print or on the Internet. Your text should not be technical nonsense, should have a sense and be technically checked by our engineers. Do not wander, the professional translation agency Zend Translation is the right place where you can find translators and engineers, who all know their job, behind whom are years of experience.professional translation agency
Please contact us at Zend Translation, and we will translate all necessary to make your business and other wishes come true. Please contact