1) The holistic perspective implies the overall meaning of a text as a complex system This examines macro-level or textual features first and allows the translator to adopt a strategy even before examining the micro level (sentences, phrases, words). Neubert (1996) identifies seven features that define textuality and are relevant to translation: intentionality, acceptability, situationality, informativity, cohesion, coherence and intertextuality. 1) The holistic perspective implies the overall meaning of a text as a complex system This examines macro-level or textual features first and allows the translator to adopt a strategy even before examining the micro level (sentences, phrases, words). Neubert (1996) identifies seven features that define textuality and are relevant to translation: intentionality, acceptability, situationality, informativity, cohesion, coherence and intertextuality. 2) The generic or text-type perspective examines texts in terms of their belonging to particular genres and types. For Neubert (1996) the generic criterion is related to linguistic characteristics and conventions, whereas text-type categorisations emphasise the dominant communicative function of a text. 2) The generic or text-type perspective examines texts in terms of their belonging to particular genres and types. For Neubert (1996) the generic criterion is related to linguistic characteristics and conventions, whereas text-type categorisations emphasise the dominant communicative function of a text.
The influence of culture [ABSTRACT] A society's attitudes to health and disease are closely bound up with its culture. However, this culture is rarely static and can usually accommodate new ideas if they do not appear to threaten it. Whatever changes health workers introduce, they should always harmonize their activities with the culture in which they find themselves. A society's attitudes to health and disease are closely bound up with its culture. However, this culture is rarely static and can usually accommodate new ideas if they do not appear to threaten it. Whatever changes health workers introduce, they should always harmonize their activities with the culture in which they find themselves. (World Health Forum Vol ) (World Health Forum Vol )
Translators of Text 2.1 must first perceive the social reality in terms of which the text is presented. The social context may be shown schematically: Translators of Text 2.1 must first perceive the social reality in terms of which the text is presented. The social context may be shown schematically: ISSUE: Can health workers introduce changes in traditional societies? ISSUE: Can health workers introduce changes in traditional societies? FOR: Culture is not static FOR: Culture is not static AGAINST: The persistence of time-honoured medical practices in certain rural cultural environments is an insurmountable obstacle. AGAINST: The persistence of time-honoured medical practices in certain rural cultural environments is an insurmountable obstacle.
Newmark (1982) makes use of Buhler’s (1934) classification of language functions to achieve a functional text-typology. Thus he focuses on the informative function (referent oriented), on the expressive function (source oriented), and on the vocative or operative function (audience oriented). Newmark (1982) makes use of Buhler’s (1934) classification of language functions to achieve a functional text-typology. Thus he focuses on the informative function (referent oriented), on the expressive function (source oriented), and on the vocative or operative function (audience oriented).
If grouped together on the basis of their dominant contextual foci, texts can be classified, according to Werlich (1976), into five text types: description, narration, exposition, argumentation, and instruction. If grouped together on the basis of their dominant contextual foci, texts can be classified, according to Werlich (1976), into five text types: description, narration, exposition, argumentation, and instruction. Starting from Werlich (1976), Hatim and Mason (1990), use also a predominant contextual focus as a viable basis for a more complex, hierarchical text typology: Starting from Werlich (1976), Hatim and Mason (1990), use also a predominant contextual focus as a viable basis for a more complex, hierarchical text typology:
Text 2.2 The Cohesion of OPEC Tomorrow's meeting of OPEC is a different affair. Certainly, it is formally about prices and about Saudi Arabia's determination to keep them down. Certainly, it will also have immediate implications for the price of petrol, especially for Britain which recently lowered its price of North Sea Oil and may now have to raise it again. But this meeting, called at short notice, and confirmed only after the most intensive round of preliminary discussions between the parties concerned, is not primarily about selling arrangements between producer and consumer. It is primarily about the future cohesion of the organization itself. The Times
Within the primary text-grammatical categories, the subcategories of point of view, composition and variety provide the distinctive text-form specific constituents: Within the primary text-grammatical categories, the subcategories of point of view, composition and variety provide the distinctive text-form specific constituents: point of view point of view presentation presentation person person focus focus tense tense aspect aspect voice voice mode mode composition composition introduction introduction sequence form (sentence, paragraph, section, chapter, part, book) sequence form (sentence, paragraph, section, chapter, part, book) text structuring text structuring conclusion conclusion text unit text unit