ETSI TC ESI PRESENTATION TO CAB FORUM Iñigo Barreira /Arno FiedlerFebruary 2016 meeting, Scottsdale, AZ © ETSI All rights reserved
2 Index ETSI Deliverables. Dates Questions&answers Next actions AOB
4 ETSI deliverables. Current situation Current situation: All documents (401, 41x-x, 42x-x) are under final voting period by all the ETSI NSOs. It´s a yes/no voting with no technical changes EN already published published-to-provide-requirements-for-conformity-assessmentbodies- assessing-trust-service-providers-tsps Current text published as TS 119 4xx as interim reference pending final agreement of EN. ETSI portal for info
Questions&answers 5
6 Single source of information for browsers The certification report identifies the National Accreditation Body (NAB) which accredited the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB). This can be verified through the NAB web site. In addition, ACAB (Accredited CAB) council is aiming to make a list of accredited CABs under the requirements of ETSI The list is hoped to be available by November Common audit report and attestation letter ACAB council is preparing a common template to be used by all CABs performing ETSI audits. ETSI has no plans to work on this matter. Validation of current status of the CAB and audit report There´s no specific plans to work on this in ETSI nor with other bodies. ACAB-c is willing to take over that task.
Recent information on tasks (events, meetings,…) performed 7
8 CA DAY – December Meeting between ETSI, CABs and Browsers (Microsoft) Tasks to CABs 1.Templates for CABs to provide the information the same way Attestation letter, covering: Audit date and period CA hierarchy covered, root CAs affected Policies included Audit certificate, covering: TSP audited and which CAs according to the ETSI standard CAB responsible for the audit and its accreditation NAB that has accredited the CAB Validate time of the certificate Audit report Detail information of steps taken and findings Links for getting requested information
9 CA DAY – December 2015 Tasks to CABs 2.Clear indication when is a full audit or a surveillance audit and what has been covered. To check with browsers the minimum requisites for the surveillance audits, for example, to check always the network security requirements Tasks to ETSI ETSI will notify when the ENs are published and if any old document is going to be made historical or withdrawn (or unchanged).
10 ACAB-C meeting – January 2016 ACAB-C meeting January 2016 ACAB´c liaison letter to be ready to hand over to CABF, among other interested parties like ETSI ESI, ENISA, EA, etc. Website ready asap. Next ACAB-c meetings: February 19 th – Essen, Germany June 21 st – Paris, France Tasks Templates: First drafts to be submitted soon Define and suggest an accreditation scheme for TSPs to be applied by the SBs Promote the issuance of qualified website certificates according to eIDAS at the CAB Forum Prepare and communicate suggestion on when to switch form TSs to Ens (communicate to EU Commission, TSPs, SBs and CAB Forum)
11 eIDAS regulation meeting – January 2016 Trusted Lists and website authentication Purpose of the meeting Discuss aspects of the implementation of the new eIDAS provisions and, in particular, critical aspects related to the new constitutive effect of the Trusted Lists. Identify relevant concerns and issues that will have to be further discussed in a thematic Workshop dedicated to certificates for Website Authentication that the Commission plans to organize on 8 March Attendees physically and online: EU Commission, ETSI ESI, ENISA, TSPs (EU and non EU) and Browsers (Google, Mozilla, Opera and Microsoft) Two documents were presented Implementation of the trusted lists Qualified website authentication certificates
Possible timeline for TS to EN migration in the field of PTC Usage of TS for PTC-Audits Usage of EN for PTC Audits 2020 Validity of TS for PTC-Audits Validity of EN for PTC Audits Note: ETSI does not provide recommendations on migration paths