Finding Information
British Swimming Website Do you know how to find the Officials section on the website? The Swimming and Open Water Officials section is located under the Swimming Section of the British Swimming Area.
Event Information provides all the British Swimming Protocols and relevant competition information together with application forms for the various National championships. CPD for Officials provides a table of Courses. This is useful for licensed officials looking for courses relating to re-licensing
Licensing of Officials provides all the forms and all the information in connection with Licensing and re- licensing Officials Qualification and Training provides information on all the courses available as well as contact details on Course Leaders throughout GB
British Swimming Officials news Over 1100 individuals have now signed up to receive this newsletter, however this nowhere near the number of British Swimming Officials. To sign up use the link below:
ASA East Region website Now has lots of relevant information similar to the BS site but a lot more user-friendly The Herts ASA website is undergoing reconstruction and will be up and running soon.
Functional Ability Cards New cards are being issued to all athletes and are valid from issue until 31 st January The photograph border will be Green.
Swimwear BL 8 SWIMWEAR BL 8.1 All FINA approved swimwear to be used at the Olympic Games and FINA World Championships must be approved by FINA at least 12 months prior to the start of the respective competition. In addition, it must be available for all competitors by 1 st January of the year of the Olympic Games or FINA World Championships.
BL 8.2 In swimming competitions the competitor must wear only one swimsuit in one or two pieces. No additional items, like arm bands or leg bands shall be regarded as parts of a swimsuit. BL 8.3 From January 1 st 2010 swimwear for men shall not extend above the navel nor below the knee, and for women, shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, nor shall extend below the knee. All swimsuits shall be made from textile materials.
BL 8.4 From 1 June 201o, Open Water swimwear for both men and women shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, nor shall extend below the ankle. All Open Water swimsuits shall comply with the FINA Criteria for Materials and Approved Procedures. BL 8.5 From 15 January 2010, in Masters Pool Swimming competitions the rules BL 8.1, BL 8.2 and BL 8.3 apply. From 1 June 2010, the rule BL 8.4 applies also for the Masters Open Water competitions.
Queries from officials to the National TSC
Breaststroke Queries
Query 1: A swimmer, swimming breaststroke during a race, removed her goggles using one hand as they had moved after the dive. She was disqualified. Was this correct and why?
Query 1: Answer: Yes it was correct for the Referee to disqualify the swimmer for a non- simultaneous arm movement, an infringement of SW7.2 All movements of the arms shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating movement.
Query 2: A swimmer, swimming breaststroke during a race removed her goggles using two hands in a simultaneous movement whilst pushing the hands forwards during the second arm stroke. She was not disqualified. Was this correct?
Query 2: Answer: Yes, no infringement of the rules had taken place.
A swimmer, swimming breaststroke during a race was observed with goggles across the cheeks following the start as they had moved after the dive. Further down the first length the Referee observed that the goggles had been removed. The stroke judge made no report to the Referee as he had not observed the swimmer during the process of the goggle removal. It was not known how the goggles were removed. There could be no disqualification because no-one had actually observed any infringement of the rules.
Query 3: At a gala, in a breast stroke event, a swimmer was seen to stand on the bottom and then continue swimming. The swimmer was disqualified under rule 7.4 because "Leg movements were not on the same horizontal plane". Was it correct to disqualify the swimmer?
Query 3: Answer - Yes
Query 3: Was the correct rule applied? SW7.4 "All movements of the legs shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating movement." An infringement of this rule is a valid reason however, more appropriately an infringement of SW 7.2 could be considered. "From the beginning of the first arm stroke after the start and after each turn, the body shall be on the breast." To stand up the swimmer must have left a position on the breast - even if standing and leaning forward.
Query 4: A question has been asked with reference to the permitted butterfly kick after the start and turn in breaststroke. It would appear that some officials are having difficulty in determining when the butterfly kick may or may not be performed. Hopefully the following information may assist.
Query 4: Breaststroke as a stroke has not changed. The rules have been re-worded to form a more logical order. In conjunction with the explanation below it is important to remember the following wording from SW7.2. "From the start and throughout the race the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and one leg kick in that order." Any butterfly kick after the start or each turn does not form part of that stroke cycle. With that in mind SW7.1 should be read as follows:
Query 4: SW 7.1 After the start and after each turn, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely back to the legs during which the swimmer may be submerged. A single butterfly kick is permitted during the first arm stroke, followed by a breaststroke kick. 1. A swimmer does not have to perform a butterfly kick. 2. There can only be one butterfly kick. 3. The butterfly kick must take place during the first arm stroke. 4. The butterfly kick if implemented must be performed before and followed by a breaststroke kick.
Query 4: From this information we can see that the swimmer may perform a butterfly kick at any time from the point that their hands move, from the streamline position after the start or turn, outwards and or backwards all the way to the point at which the hands are "completely back to the legs". (SW7.1.) This may include the occasion when the arms have reached the legs and are stationary. There is no requirement within the rules for the arms to move continuously.
Query 5: Breaststroke: A swimmer places one hand on top of the other when pushing forward in the streamline position. A report is received for an infringement under SW7.2. The hands are not on the same horizontal plane. Question: Is this a reason for disqualification?
Query 5: Answer: No. Reason: SW 7.2 "All movements of the arms shall be simultaneous and in the same horizontal plane without alternating movement." There is no reference to the position of the hands. It is perfectly possible for swimmers to place one hand on top of the other whilst the arms remain in the same horizontal plane. No infringement has taken place.
Query 6: A swimmer competing in a 50m Breaststroke race in a 25m pool touched the wall with both hands simultaneously at the end of the first length, performs a tumble turn, leaves the wall with the body on the breast and completes the second length without further incident. Should the swimmer be disqualified?
Query 6: No. The swimmer may turn in any manner they desire providing the touch at the completion of the first length is legal and the swimmer leaves the wall to commence the second length in a legal position. A similar scenario could also cover the Butterfly stroke.
Backstroke Queries
Query 7: At the start of a backstroke race following the command "Take your marks" all swimmers take up their positions. In so doing the swimmer in lane 2 is lifted clear of the water. The starter gives the starting signal and the race follows. At the conclusion of the race it is announced that the swimmer in lane 2 has been disqualified. The reason given:- the swimmer was not in the water. Should the swimmer have been disqualified?
Query 7: This is a situation whereby the rules have been interpreted too literally. FINA Rules provide for two starts. 1. Forward from the starting platform: SW4.1: The start in Freestyle, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Individual Medley races shall be with a dive. 2. Backward from the water: SW4.2 The start in Backstroke and Medley Relay races shall be from the water.
Query 7: SW 6.1 Prior to the starting signal, the swimmers shall line up in the water facing the starting end, with both hands holding the starting grips. Standing in or on the gutter or bending the toes over the lip of the gutter is prohibited. The backstroke rule above describes the starting position of the swimmer. There is no requirement for the swimmer to have some part of the body in the water when the starting signal is given. The swimmer should not have been disqualified.
Query 8a: Backstroke Turn: The incident occurred at a Masters competition during a 50m Backstroke race in a 25m pool. Approaching the turn the swimmer turned onto his breast to initiate the turn however instead of tumbling he touched the wall with his hand and then pushed off on his back. The Inspector of Turns was somewhat surprised at this action but did not report the swimmer for an infringement.
Query 8a: SW 6.4 When executing the turn there must be a touch of the wall with some part of the swimmer’s body in his/her respective lane. During the turn the shoulders may be turned over the vertical to the breast after which a continuous single arm pull or a continuous simultaneous double arm pull may be used to initiate the turn. The swimmer must have returned to the position on the back upon leaving the wall.
Query 8b: At the same competition during an Individual Medley heat the same swimmer performed a similar action when turning from the backstroke to breaststroke. This time the official reported an infringement.
Query 8b: SW 6.5 Upon the finish of the race the swimmer must touch the wall while on the back in his/her respective lane. SW 9.3 Each section must be finished in accordance with the rule which applies to the stroke concerned. The official made the correct decision in both instances.
Butterfly Queries
Query 9: A girl swimming butterfly got her timing completely wrong as she approached the turn, and took her final arm pull very early, just past the flags. Totally submerged, arms extended and streamlined, she then kicked for two or three metres before she reached the wall for the touch to turn. The Inspector of Turns did not make a report as was unsure if an infringement had taken place. Should a report have been made?
Query 9: Yes! This scenario states the swimmer is totally submerged therefore an infringement has taken place. SW 8.5 At the start and at the turns, a swimmer is permitted one or more leg kicks and one arm pull under the water, which must bring him to the surface. It shall be permitted for a swimmer to be completely submerged for a distance of not more than 15 metres after the start and after each turn. By that point, the head must have broken the surface. The swimmer must remain on the surface until the next turn or finish.
Individual Medley Queries
Query 10: Both reference an individual 200 IM taking place in a 25m Pool. Scenario 1: The swimmer completes 4x25m IM followed by another 4x25m IM! Scenario 2: The swimmer completes the butterfly and backstroke sections with no problems but then swims 25m Breaststroke followed by 25m freestyle and stops. (after 6 lengths) What is the correct report for each of these instances?
Query 10: Answer: In both instances the swimmer did not complete the event in accordance with SW9.1 and should be disqualified. SW 9.1 In individual medley events, the swimmer covers the four swimming strokes in the following order: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle. Each of the strokes must cover one quarter (1/4) of the distance. A suggestion was made that Scenario 2 could have been- Did not finish. However, the first infringement came as soon as the swimmer did not swim breaststroke on the 6th length.
Masters Butterfly Query
Query 11: Many of you have already taken part in the FINA Technical Rules updates and are aware of the recent changes. However, I have been asked that you draw the attention of any Masters swimmers that you know of to the changes made to the Masters Rules with reference to the Butterfly. The new rule is included below. MSW 3.10 A breaststroke kicking movement is permitted for butterfly. Only one breaststroke kick is permitted per arm pull except that a single breaststroke kick is permitted prior to the turn and the finish without an arm pull. After the start and after each turn, a single breaststroke kick is permitted prior to the first arm pull.
General Queries
Query 12: Following the start of the girls 9yrs 25m butterfly one swimmer dived in too deeply and was seen to push herself off the bottom of the pool with her hands. The stroke judge believed in so doing she may have gained some additional forward propulsion. How do you believe the rules should be correctly applied to this situation?
Query 12: What FINA rule has been broken here? None! There is no ruling that references the hands touching the bottom of the pool. The swimmer has not made any infringement of the rules. Perhaps it would be prudent to advise her Coach that further training should be given in relation to the dive start in order to minimise the risk of injury in the future.
Query 13: Single Gender Events: Question: Our club would like to organise an Open Meet that includes 800m and 1500m Freestyle events but want to swim males and females together. I understand that FINA has introduced a new rule that prevents us from doing that. Is this correct?
Query 13: Answer: Yes, that is correct. FINA has introduced a new rule. SW10.1. All individual races must be held as separate gender events. However, it may still be possible for you to include these events as mixed providing they are age group events. FINA provides the opportunity for Federations to adopt their own Age Group rules (SWAG 1). You will need to ensure that the competition conditions state clearly that these are Age Group events and will be swum as mixed male and female.
Query 14: Starting in the water – May 2011 The FINA Technical Rule SW4 provides for 2 starts. Sw4.1 The start in Freestyle, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Individual Medley races shall be with a dive. On the long whistle (SW 2.1.5) from the referee the swimmers shall step onto the starting platform and remain there. On the starter’s command “take your marks”, they shall immediately take up a starting position with at least one foot at the front of the starting platforms. The position of the hands is not relevant. When all swimmers are stationary, the starter shall give the starting signal.
Query 14: SW 4.2 The start in Backstroke and Medley Relay shall be from the water. At the Referee’s first long whistle (SW 2.1.5), the swimmers shall immediately enter the water. At the Referee’s second long whistle the swimmers shall return without undue delay to the starting position(SW 6.1). When all swimmers have assumed their starting positions, the starter shall give the command “take your marks”. When all swimmers are stationary, the starter shall give the starting signal.
Query 14: For all forward starts, as in SW4.1, where the swimmer must start in the water the swimmer must be stationary in the water with one hand in contact with the starting wall when the starting signal is given. For relay races the hand of the swimmer starting in the water must remain in contact with the starting wall until the incoming swimmer has completed their length and touched the wall. The team of the swimmer whose hand loses contact with the starting wall before the preceding swimmer touches the wall should be disqualified.
Query 14: From a Health and Safety perspective Local Authorities and Pool Operators do place necessary restrictions relating to diving into shallow water and thus the need for in the water starts. For this reason it may be prudent for competition promoters to consider amending the programme of events at certain pools in order to minimise the need for swimmers to start in the water at the shallow end. For example changing a 4x25m relay to a 4x50m relay?
Query 14: Questions have been asked about what to do with the swimmer who for a variety of reasons may not be able or may not be permitted to start as defined above. Provision for starting in the water is contained within the FINA Masters Technical Rules. MSW 3.2 When using the forward start, the Referee’s whistle shall indicate that the swimmers may take their positions with at least one foot at the front of the starting platform or pool deck, or in the water with one hand having contact with the starting wall.